How big of a coop should I have for 10 chickens?

60 to 80 square feet
Some people recommend 60 to 80 square feet for ten mature chickens, which would be equal to an 8×10-square-foot chicken coop. If the weather is very cold or if your chickens won’t have access to roam outside for another reason, then the coop space needs to be larger than the examples above.

How big of a coop do I need for 20 chickens?

40-80 square feet
As we mention in our Chicken Coop Buyer’s Guide, you need somewhere between 2 and 4 square feet per standard size chicken in order for them to live comfortable, healthy and happy lives. So, your coop needs the following amount of square feet: 20 Chickens: 40-80 square feet. 25 Chickens: 50-100 square feet.

How big should a coop be for 15 chickens?

30-60 square feet
15 Chickens: 30-60 square feet.

Can you have too big of a chicken coop?

Can a chicken coop be too big? No, aside from a few technical and financial considerations bigger is usually better when it comes to hen houses.

How big should a coop be for 40 chickens?

Many agree that around 3-4 square feet per bird in the coop is adequate for most breeds in most climates, which means that you would need roughly 90-120 square feet of coop space for 30 chickens. Run space is also debated, but is generally agreed upon that anywhere from 5 to 10 square feet per bird is plenty.

How big of a coop do I need for 16 chickens?

32-64 square feet
So, your coop needs the following amount of square feet: 16 Chickens: 32-64 square feet. 17 Chickens: 34-68 square feet. 18 Chickens: 36-72 square feet.

How many nesting boxes do I need for 15 chickens?

A flock of 15 chickens should get by with 4 nesting boxes. They like to follow each other.

What size coop do I need for 8 chickens?

Thus, a 4′ by 8′ coop would be adequate for about 8 birds. If you keep your chickens confined to the coop at all times, then you should provide 10 square feet per bird. In this case, a 5′ by 10′ coop would be adequate for 5 birds.

How high off the ground should nesting boxes be for chickens?

The height of the nest box should be no less than 18 inches from the floor and can be as high as a few feet off the ground. They should not be at the same height as your roosting bars, or you may find your hens sleeping in the boxes!