What is the basic concept of polar front theory?
What is the basic concept of polar front theory?
The Polar Front Theory further states that the Cold Front moves faster than the Warm Front which leads to the fact that the Warm Sector becomes more and more narrow and the bulge of cloudiness around the low centre becomes larger and thicker. This is called a “Developed Wave Stage”.
What occurs between a polar front and the Poles?
In meteorology, the polar front is the weather front boundary between the polar cell and the Ferrel cell around the 60° latitude, near the polar regions, in both hemisphere. At this boundary a sharp gradient in temperature occurs between these two air masses, each at very different temperatures.
What causes polar fronts to form?
It occurs when the cold air blowing down from the poles meets warm air blowing up in the mid-latitudes. These winds of different temperatures meet at the polar front in the mid-latitudes.
What is a characteristic of polar fronts?
Characteristics of Polar Front Typically, the polar front can keep the warm and cold air separate, so the air masses do not mix. An example would be off the coast of eastern North America; there is a sharp difference between the snow-covered land and the warm offshore currents during the winter.
Why do polar regions have high pressure?
Because the poles are the areas of the globe that are heated least by the Sun, the air overlying the poles therefore descends towards the surface: this is the cause of polar high pressure.
What is the usual movement of a polar front depression?
Frontal or Polar Depressions The cold front usually moves across the surface faster than the warm front. The pressure near the top of the wave falls sharply and a depression forms.
How does the polar front jet stream affect air masses?
As a component of the planetary-scale prevailing westerly circulation, the polar-front jet stream steers storms across the country. Hence, storms generally move from west to east. The polar-front jet stream is like a high-speed river of air in the upper atmosphere. It separates warm and cold regions at Earth’s surface.
Why are there low pressure belt in the polar regions?
Due to the earth’s rotation, the winds surrounding the Polar region blow towards the Equator. Centrifugal forces operating in this region create the low-pressure belt appropriately called the Circumpolar Low-Pressure Belt.
Is polar region low pressure?
The polar vortex is an area of low pressure—a wide expanse of swirling cold air—that is parked in polar regions. During winter, the polar vortex at the North Pole expands, sending cold air southward.
Why is polar front stronger in winter than in summer?
The wind speeds associated with the polar jet stream tend to be stronger in winter as compared to summer. This occurs because there is a greater contrast in temperature between the polar and mid-latitude regions.
How does the occlusion of a polar front depression occur?
If a fast-moving cold air mass overtakes a slower-moving warm front and then continues advancing and catches another cold front, an occluded front forms. Weather associated with the occluded front is similar to the weather associated with a cold front.
What is a polar front jet stream?
The polar-front jet stream is associated with the boundary between higher latitude cold and lower latitude warm air, called the polar front. Because of its link to surface weather systems and features, the polar-front jet stream is of special interest to weather forecasters.