How do you write the date in Spanish format?

Formal Version The basic format is el [day of the week] [day] de [month] de [year]. So then Sunday, September 7, 2014, would be el domingo 7 de septiembre de 2014 in Spanish. There is also a slight variation where the de before the year can also be del.

What makes stating the date in Spanish different from stating the date in English?

One key difference is that Spanish dates use a cardinal number while English dates use an ordinal number. Cardinal numbers are the original form of a number, such as 1,2,3, etc. Ordinal numbers look like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Another key component to learning how to write dates is understanding their order.

How do you translate Spanish dates to English?

In Spanish dates, the day comes before the month. Hoy es el dieciséis de agosto. Today is August sixteenth….Formula for Writing the Date with Numerals and Words in Spanish.

Spanish U.S. English
31 de diciembre de 2017 December 31, 2017
1 de octubre del 2017 October 1, 2017

What is the correct way to say the date in Spanish?

When saying the date in Spanish, the day precedes the month. “April tenth” or “the tenth of April” therefore becomes “diez de abril”, which literally translates to “ten of April”. For saying the entire date in Spanish including the year, you can use a simple formula: el + (day) + de + (month) + de / del + (year)

What is the most common way to tell time in Spain?

Here’s how to tell the time in Spanish if the time is on the hour: Es la una….Different ways of telling time in Spanish

  1. es/son + las + hour + number of minutes – Son las tres diez.
  2. es/son + las + hour + y + number of minutes – Son las tres y diez.
  3. es/son + las + hour + con + number of minutes – Son las tres con diez.

What is the 24 hour format used in Spain?

In Spain, date notation follows the date, month, year date order. Time notation depends on the formality and varies in writing and speaking. Official time is given using the 24-hour clock, and the 12-hour clock is often used when speaking informally.

How do they write the date in Mexico?

For Mexico, the day comes before the month, everything is lowercase and the article “de” ia used. In Japan, the day of the week is not displayed and the translations for “year”, “month” and “day” act like numeric separators….Long and short data formats.

Region Long date (US)
Mexico April 7th, 2001
Japan April 1st, 2007

How do you say the date in Spanish today?

If you want to know the date, use the phrase “¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?” (coo-AHL ess lah FAY-chah day oy). This question means “What is today’s date?” While there are other ways to ask for the same information, this is the most common.

How do you write the date?

The international standard recommends writing the date as year, then month, then the day: YYYY-MM-DD. So if both Australians and Americans used this, they would both write the date as 2019-02-03. Writing the date this way avoids confusion by placing the year first. Much of Asia uses this form when writing the date.

How do you answer today’s date in Spanish?

2 Answers. Spanish: Hoy es el _____ (day) de _____ (month). English: Today is the _____ (day) of _____ (month).

How do you say May 1st in Spanish?

Days of the Month in Spanish In English, you must use ordinal numbers to say the date. But to say the days of the month in Spanish, you can use cardinal numbers. Uno de marzo: “First of March.” In some Latin American countries, you may hear: Primero de mayo for “First of May.”

How do you structure time in Spanish?

Minutos + PARA (la/las) + Hora For instance: 2:35 – Son veinticinco para las tres. 11:45 – Son cuarto para las doce (see next section for explanation of cuarto)