What does a mass in the parotid gland mean?

A salivary gland tumor or parotid tumor is cancer beginning in one of your salivary glands. It’s not just a single disease. You actually have various salivary glands near and inside your mouth. Many types of-cancerous (benign) tumors and cancer can develop in these salivary glands.

What percentage of parotid masses are malignant?

About 20% of parotid tumors are malignant, with higher percentages for children, for the submandibular gland, and for intraoral minor salivary glands.

Are parotid tumors usually cancerous?

Tumors can occur in any of these glands, but the parotid glands are the most common location for salivary gland tumors. Most parotid tumors are noncancerous (benign), though some tumors can become cancerous.

Should a parotid tumor be removed?

Treatment Surgery is recommended for almost all parotid gland tumors, whether cancerous or benign. Although most tumors grow slowly and are non-cancerous, they will often continue to grow and occasionally can become cancerous. Treatment of a parotid tumor generally requires removing the parotid gland (parotidectomy).

Do benign parotid tumors have to be removed?

Although 80% of these lumps are benign, in most cases we recommend that they are removed since they generally continue to grow and can become unsightly. After many years a benign lump can turn malignant.

What causes benign parotid tumor?

Causes include dehydration, smoking and exposure to radiation. Most salivary tumors are noncancerous, and small blockages may pass without treatment. Severe cases may require the removal of a salivary gland.

What percent of parotid tumors are benign?

Approximately 80% of salivary gland tumours occur in the parotid gland. Of these, approximately 75- 80% are benign. There is no consistent correlation between the rate of tumour growth and whether a tumour is benign or malignant. The majority of benign tumours of the parotid gland are epithelial tumours.

What percentage of parotid tumors are benign?

What causes a parotid mass?

The cause of most salivary gland tumors is currently unknown, but genetic research is being conducted to uncover it. In some cases, skin cancer can spread to the parotid gland. Smoking is also known to cause one type of benign tumor, Warthin’s.

What causes parotid mass?