What is paradox in a poem?

Glossary of Poetic Terms As a figure of speech, it is a seemingly self-contradictory phrase or concept that illuminates a truth.

Is an example of paradox from the poem?

Let him be rich and weary is an example of Paradox from the poem.

What are the examples of the language of paradox?

Brooks believes that ‘many of the important things which the poet has to say have to be said by means of paradox’. The language of love and the language of religion are mostly paradoxical. “The Canonization” is a good example of the language of love becoming paradoxical.

What is paradox language?

His seminal essay, “The Language of Paradox,” lays out Brooks’ argument for the centrality of paradox by demonstrating that paradox is “the language appropriate and inevitable to poetry.” The argument is based on the contention that referential language is too vague for the specific message a poet expresses; he must “ …

What is paradox and why is it important in literature?

A paradox is a statement that appears at first to be contradictory, but upon reflection then makes sense. This literary device is commonly used to engage a reader to discover an underlying logic in a seemingly self-contradictory statement or phrase.

What is the theme of paradox and its purpose in literature?

In literature, a paradox is a device used to force the reader to consider a statement or idea more deeply or critically than at face value. It is a statement or idea that seems illogical, but upon further analysis, does make sense.

What are the 10 examples of paradox?

Common Examples of Paradox

  • less is more.
  • do the thing you think you cannot do.
  • you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
  • the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  • the beginning of the end.
  • if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.
  • earn money by spending it.
  • nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.

How do you identify a paradox?

A paradox is a statement, proposition, or situation that seems illogical, absurd or self-contradictory, but which, upon further scrutiny, may be logical or true — or at least contain an element of truth. Paradoxes often express ironies and incongruities and attempt to reconcile seemingly opposing ideas.

How is paradox used in literature?

Paradoxes In Literature An author might use a paradox in order to draw in the reader to think unconventionally about an idea or concept presented in the text. This might be done to provoke active reading, discussion, or just deeper thought about the topic. A paradox might also be used to show humor, satire, or wit.
