Is demerger a word?
Is demerger a word?
A demerger is the separation of a large company into several smaller companies.
Is there an accurate Chinese translator?
Google Translate is easily the most accurate, comprehensive, and widely used of all the translation apps available. Google Translate offers voice and text translations into more than 50 languages and doesn’t require an internet connection.
Does Google Translate use Mandarin?
It is the 24th most commonly spoken language in the world. It has more native speakers than Dutch, Swedish and Greek put together. And it’s not included in Google Translate. At the moment, Google only supports Mandarin Chinese, though that will likely change in the future.
What is the meaning of demerged?
/ (diːˈmɜːdʒ) / verb. (tr) to separate a company from another with which it was previously merged. (intr) to carry out the separation of a company from another with which it was previously merged.
What is no in Cantonese?
Then they realize that there really No Cantonese words that directly translate as “yes” or “no.” In Chinese, the words you will use to express the meaning of “yes” or “no” depend entirely on the context of the yes-no question.
How do you spell demerge?
Demerge Definition & Meaning |
What is demerge time?
The term “demurrage” /dɪˈmɜːrɪdʒ/ from Old French demeurage, from demeurer – to linger, tarry – originated in vessel chartering and referred to the period when the charterer remained in possession of the vessel after the period normally allowed to load and unload cargo (laytime).
What is a demerged company?
Key Takeaways. A de-merger is when a company splits off one or more divisions to operate independently or be sold off. A de-merger may take place for several reasons, including focusing on a company’s core operations and spinning off less relevant business units, to raise capital, or to discourage a hostile takeover.