What muscle elevates and retract scapula?

The trapezius is a large flat muscle that covers much of the upper back. Its fibers extend in several directions, and it elevates, retracts, and rotates the scapula freely.

Which muscle is the prime mover for retraction of the scapula?

Retraction of the scapula is sometimes called adduction of the scapula. The scapula is moved posteriorly and medially along the chest wall. Muscles: rhomboideus major, minor, and trapezius are the prime movers.

What muscle retracts and depresses scapula?


Muscle Origin Action
Trapezius Occipital Bone Ligamentum Nuchae & Spinous Process of Thoracic Vertebrae Elevates, Retracts & Depresses, Rotates the Scapula Upward & Extends the Neck
Subclavius 1st Rib Depresses & Protracts the Shoulder
Subscapularis Subscapular Fossa of the Scapula Medial Rotation of the Shoulder

Which muscle retracts rotates and fixes the scapula?

Rhomboid major indicated in red. Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall.

What is retraction of scapula?

Scapular retractions are those exercises that require you to pull the shoulder blades together toward the spine. However, the shoulders do not move upward toward the ears in these types of exercises. These movements focus specifically on improving the integrity and strength of the muscles around the shoulder blades.

How do you retraction your scapula?

Scapular Exercise: Retraction

  1. Put the band around a solid object, such as a bedpost, at about waist level.
  2. With your elbows at your sides and bent to 90 degrees, pull the band back to move your shoulder blades toward each other.
  3. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

What muscles do upward rotation of scapula?


Action of the Scapula What the Action Looks Like (Try It Yourself) Primary Muscles
Upward rotation Lift the arms overhead; scapulae will follow and rotate upward Upper and middle trapezius
Downward rotation Return the arms downward from the overhead Rhomboids

Why does scapula bench retract?

The shoulders and elbows are primary joints used in the bench press, so by keeping the shoulder blades retracted, these joints are not stressed as much and are able to move the weight more effectively. So, by keeping the shoulder blades in, not only is it safer but also more effective.