What is a clerical telecommuter?

Classification Search Phraseology: CLERICAL TELECOMMUTER EMPLOYEES – N.O.C. Footnote: This classification applies to Clerical Office Employees who work more than 50% of their time at their home or other office space away from any location of their employer.

What is Naics workers comp?

The North American Industry Classification System (abbreviated ‘NAICS’) is a system of classifying industry segments by a (6) six-digit code. Established in the 1997 as a response to the increased economic influence of Canada and Mexico.

How do you classify remote workers?

Frequently, employers wish to classify remote workers as independent contractors to reduce payroll taxes and other labor costs. However, an employer should not mistakenly assume a remote worker is an independent contractor simply based upon the worker’s autonomy or the fact that the employee works out of state.

What is the rate for Class Code 8871?

approximately 0.5%
Due in part to these limitations, the clerical telecommuting class code (Code 8871) is relatively small, accounting for approximately 0.5%, or $13B, of countrywide payroll in 2020.

What is workers compensation class code 9015?

Code 9015: Buildings – Operation by Owner or Lessee Classification contemplates superintendents, custodial and maintenance personnel of the insured. Classification may also be assigned to camp operations that provide overnight accommodations.

Is NAICS and NCCI the same?

NCCI late this month will begin converting Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes to North American Industry Classification System codes for policy data, to assist the rating agency in meeting industry code reporting requirements. The NAICS replaced the SIC in 1997, NCCI said in its announcement.

What is my NCCI?

The NCCI collects information on work-related injuries and illnesses for each of its class codes. This results in a base claims rate for each type of company and certain jobs.