What do you use a rotovap for?

A rotary evaporator (also called as “rotavap” or “rotovap”) is a device used in labs for the efficient and gentle removal of solvents from samples by evaporation.

Does rotovap purify?

The primary use of a rotovap is to dry and purify samples for downstream applications. Its speed and ability to handle large volumes of solvent make rotary evaporation a preferred method of solvent removal in many laboratories, especially in instances involving low boiling point solvents.

What is rotovap short for?

Rotary evaporator

Other names Rotovap
Uses Solvent evaporation
Inventor Lyman C. Craig

Does rotovap increase pressure?

Increasing the Vacuum Level One of the main reasons to use a rotovap is to reduce the boiling temperature of the solvent by using vacuum to lower the pressure within the system. So it makes sense that increasing the vacuum and lowering the pressure further should help. This is true, to a point.

Can rotary evaporator remove water?

By using the rotary evaporator to remove water, you would need less lenient conditions and longer process times, which can lead to degradation of more sensitive samples.

How does rotovap lower boiling point?

The solvents or low boiling compounds are removed by a simple distillation. The rotovap is designed to be operated under a vacuum (to lower a compound’s boiling point) while heating the sample at the same time. A cold finger is used to condense the vapors to a liquid, which are trapped in a separate flask.

How long does it take to rotovap?

Removal of solvent by a rotary evaporator is superior to evaporation under atmospheric pressure for many reasons. The process is much quicker (often takes less than 5 minutes), uses lower temperatures (so decomposition is unlikely), and uses less energy than boiling with a heat source.

Where is the solvent in rotovap?

The solvent is removed under vacuum, is trapped by a condenser and is collected for easy reuse or disposal. Most labs use a simple water aspirator vacuum on their rotavaps, so a rotavap cannot be used for air and water-sensitive materials unless special precautions are taken i.e. additional traps are used.

How long does it take to rotovap methanol?

You can use Rota vapor if you need to evaporate quickly otherwise you can put your sample in laminar hood with cap of your sample tubes open, within 24- 48 hrs. it will evaporate.

How do you stop a rotovap from bumping?

To avoid “bumping”: • Do not fill your flask > ½ full. Faster spin rate usually helps. Use a moderate bath temp – too high will cause excessively fast evaporation.

What can I use instead of a rotary evaporator?

All Answers (7) You can simulate a rotary evaporator by monting a system compraised of an erlenmeyer over a hot plate magnetic stirrer or a heated ballon, conected to a inclined condenser.