How much does a micro E-mini contract cost?
How much does a micro E-mini contract cost?
Contract Specifications
Micro E-mini S&P 500 | Micro E-mini Nasdaq-100 | |
Contract Size | $5 x S&P 500 Index | $2 x Nasdaq-100 Index |
Trading Hours and Venue | CME Globex: Sun-Fri: 5pm to 4:00pm | |
Minimum Tick/ Price Fluctuation | Outright 0.25 Index points | 0.25 Index points |
Dollar Value of One Tick | $1.25 per contract. | $0.50 per contract. |
How much does an E-mini S&P contract cost?
Contracts are priced at $50 times the value of the S&P 500 and are available quarterly. E-mini index futures are cash-settled, which means you receive a credit or debit rather than delivery of the underlying asset.
How much does it cost to trade E-mini contract?
$12.50 per contract
E-mini S&P 500 futures contract specifications. 0.25, worth $12.50 per contract. E-mini S&P 500 futures trade on the CME Globex® trading platform, from 6:00 p.m. U.S. ET all the way until 5:00 p.m. U.S. ET the following afternoon.
How much does it cost to trade micro E-mini futures?
Micro E-mini futures contract specifications. S&P 500 futures: 0.25, worth $1.25 per contract. NASDAQ-100 futures: 0.25, worth $0.50 per contract. Dow Jones futures: 1.00, worth $0.50 per contract.
How many E-mini contracts can I trade?
Theoretically, you can trade as many E-mini contracts as your account balance allows you. Because E-mini contracts are traded on margin ($500/contract) you can trade more contracts with less money. For example, if you have $3,500 in your account, you could technically trade 7 contracts ($500 x 7 =$3500).
How much money do you need to trade E-mini futures NinjaTrader?
NinjaTrader is the premier destination for futures trading providing: Discount Pricing: Save on trades with simple low rates. Low Margins: Only $50 for Micro E-mini futures. Low Minimum: Open your account with only $400.
Can you day trade futures without 25k?
Any US-based prospective day trader quickly learns about the dreaded pattern day trader (PDT) rule. The PDT essentially states that traders with less than $25,000 in their margin account cannot make more than three day trades in a rolling five day period.
What are E-mini contracts?
The term E-mini refers to an electronically-traded futures contract that is a fraction of the size of a standard contract. E-minis are used to trade a variety of assets, such as commodities and currencies, but the most commonly traded assets using E-minis are indexes.
How much money do you need to trade E-mini?
E-mini futures, especially the E-mini S&P 500 futures (ES) typically have the lowest day trading margins, $500 with some brokers. 4 That means the trader only needs $500 in the account (plus room for price fluctuations) to buy or sell one E-mini S&P 500 contract.
How much does NinjaTrader cost?
A license, or “lease,” costs $720 per year. Purchasing NinjaTrader costs $1,099.