How do you propagate Streptocarpus?

Streptocarpus: Propagation by Leaf

  1. Step 1: Cut off a section of a leaf.
  2. Step 2: Remove the midrib from the leaf.
  3. Step 3: Make a “slot” in the rooting medium.
  4. Step 4: Firmly place leaf section into rooting mix.
  5. Step 5: Development of plantlets from leaf cutting.
  6. Step 6: Separate plantlet from “mother” leaf.

Can you grow Streptocarpus in water?

The key to growing good Streptocarpus is to provide adequate moisture balanced with adequate drainage. No doubt like African violets, the most common problems besetting these lovely plants have to do with watering—usually too much of it. They should never be allowed to sit in water in a plant tray or water-logged soil.

Are Streptocarpus easy to grow?

Streptocarpus are easy to grow as long as a few key rules are followed, and even easier to propagate. Although having primrose-like leaves, Streptocarpus are not related to primroses. They belong to the Gesneriad family, which also includes African violets (Saintpaulias), and they are cared for in a similar way.

What to do with Streptocarpus after flowering?

Too much sun burns the leaves and fades the flowers. Keep them in a shaded greenhouse or indoors in an East or West window. When you receive your plants, pot them into 3 1/2″ pots as soon as possible using a good peat or fibre based potting compost. Shading is especially important for the first few days.

Can you grow streptocarpus from seed?

Streptocarpus seeds are extremely fine and should be sown thinly on top of a moist, humusy growing medium, as they need light to germinate. If a temperature of 70 to 75 degrees is maintained, the seeds should sprout in two to four weeks.

How do you get streptocarpus to rebloom?

Fertilize the plant once a month from spring through autumn with a high-phosphorous liquid plant food, as phosphorous stimulates bloom. Divide or repot the plant in the spring if it becomes too crowded.

Where do streptocarpus seeds come from?

You can grow them from seed too. There are hundreds of varieties of streptocarpus (Cape Primrose) to choose from and they’re very collectable. As the name suggests they originate from South Africa and their natural habitat is an easy environment to replicate indoors.

Can you grow Streptocarpus from seed?

Where do Streptocarpus seeds come from?

How do you overwinter Streptocarpus?

You will need to keep the plants in a bright situation, during the winter you can give them as much light as possible. A south-facing windowsill will be fine if they are indoors. If they are in a greenhouse or conservatory then they must have enough warmth to keep them frost-free. Stop feeding the plants.

How do you overwinter streptocarpus?