Is a Chinese algae eater a pleco?

The common plecostomus or pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus) often gets sold as an algae eater. While the fish does enthusiastically eat algae, he does not make the best choice for most aquariums, since he can grow longer than a foot. However, other species of pleco stay smaller.

What is the rarest type of pleco?

One of the rarer plecos in the hobby, the Typhoon is also one of the prettiest. Large, carnivorous and territorial; this is an awesome fish – just expect to pay a lot for one if you find one… but they are well worth it!

What is the biggest breed of pleco?

Liposarcus anisitsi (Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903) is the snow king pleco (formerly of the genus Pterygoplichthys) and grows to 17 inches in length (30 inches according to Burgess 1989).

What is the most colorful pleco?

Sunshine Pleco A big reason for that is their coloration. Unlike other fish species, Sunshine Plecos hold on to their color throughout their life.

Are Chinese algae eaters good?

Species Summary The Chinese Algae Eater is a unique fish that you wouldn’t expect to be a popular choice among aquarists. They’re not particularly colorful and tend to be solitary creatures. However, their penchant for eating algae makes them a great choice for those who want to keep their tank clean.

Is a Chinese algae eater a Loach?

Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is commonly known as the Chinese algae eater, Siamese algae eater, sucking loach, and honey sucker. While referred to as a type of loach, these fish belong to the Gyrinocheilidae family while true loaches belong to the Cobitidae family.

What is the best type of pleco?

Zebra Pleco (Hypancistrus zebra) This little guy is considered the gem of the pleco world. It’s pretty obvious where they get their name when you see one. They’re white with distinct black stripes that look almost too perfect to come from nature. But, this little beauty does not eat algae, not even a little bit.

Do all plecos need driftwood?

Is Driftwood Necessary For Plecos? Plecos are known to feed on driftwood in minimal amounts. Driftwood consists of nutrients that help in the digestion process of Plecos. However, where driftwood can certainly help in enhancing the health of a Pleco, it is not really a need or necessity.

Can 2 Chinese algae eaters live together?

Chinese algae eaters are solitary, non-schooling fish with semi-aggressive tendencies. These fish will fight fish of a similar size, including other Chinese algae eaters, if housed together in captivity.

Can Chinese algae eaters live alone?

Chinese Algae Eaters are semi-aggressive fish. For the most part, they’ll just spend their time alone at the bottom of the tank. They’re not particularly showy or active and prefer to hide instead.

Are Chinese algae eaters aggressive?