Why is it called Sarah Bernhardt peony?

Origin. Sarah Bernhardt is a full-petalled peony with large, pink flowers that bloom in the late season and was bred in 1906 by French breeder Monsieur Lemoine. This variety is named after the famous French actress.

Why was Sarah Bernhardt so famous?

Bernhardt is best known in America for her famous “farewell tours” that she made between 1880 and 1918. The nine tours she made in America often had a financial rather than artistic motivation behind them.

What nationality was Sarah Bernhardt?

FrenchSarah Bernhardt / Nationality

Sarah Bernhardt, original name Henriette-Rosine Bernard, byname the Divine Sarah, French la Divine Sarah, (born October 22/23, 1844, Paris, France—died March 26, 1923, Paris), the greatest French actress of the later 19th century and one of the best-known figures in the history of the stage.

Are Sandra and Sarah Bernhardt related?

She may have no genetic relationship to the boundary-busting 19th-century French Jewish actress Sarah Bernhardt, but the singer, actor and comedian Sandra Bernhard is every inch as brazen and sexually uninhibited as her putative namesake.

Where do Sarah Bernhardt peonies grow?

Like all peonies, ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ grows best in a full sun setting, although it benefits from shade when the afternoon sun is hottest. Enrich soil prior to planting with ample organic matter. Peonies don’t typically need moved or divided for many years, so you want to tuck them into an ideal setting from the start.

Was Sarah Bernhardt a good actress?

Sarah Bernhardt, original name Henriette-Rosine Bernard, byname the Divine Sarah, French la Divine Sarah, (born October 22/23, 1844, Paris, France—died March 26, 1923, Paris), the greatest French actress of the later 19th century and one of the best-known figures in the history of the stage.

Do Sarah Bernhardt peonies spread?

Reliable and vigorous, this herbaceous peony grows in a lush, bushy mound of glossy, deep green, divided foliage reaching up to 36 in. in height (90 cm) and 24-30 in. in spread (60-75 cm). The foliage remains attractive throughout summer until frost and often colors up in the fall.

How much sun does a Sarah Bernhardt peony need?

full sun
Tuck a shrub or two into a perennial border for a pop of gentle spring pink, or mass two or three of these peonies together for a shrub-like appearance. Like all peonies, ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ grows best in a full sun setting, although it benefits from shade when the afternoon sun is hottest.

How big do Sarah Bernhardt peonies get?

24 to 30 inches tall
In the garden, expect a mature ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ peony to grow 24 to 30 inches tall and wide. This peony makes a great addition to shrubbery foundation plantings and can be planted along a path or walk to form a spring floral allee.

Is Sarah Bernhardt French?