How do you use Tordon granules?

Simply spread the granules under the target weeds or on the crushed crown of the plant. Spread the granules underneath the weeds extending from the main stem to 30 cm outside the dripline (the outermost area of canopy). This will place the herbicide over the main area of the weed’s root system.

What is the mixing rate for Tordon?

Mixing Oil-Water Emulsions (Ground and Aerial Applications) For aerial application, add oil to the total spray mix at the ratio of 1 part oil to 5 parts water (1:5 ratio). For ground application, add oil to the spray mix at a rate of 5 to 10% of the total mix.

What is equivalent to Tordon?

Surefire Treeson 500ml 200g/L Triclopyr Herbicide (equivalent to Tordon)

Is Tordon toxic?

Tordon is highly toxic to most woody plants through root absorption. It also has a long residual activity in the soil, possibly a year or more based on the amount applied (application rate). It is not intended or labeled for use near desirable landscape vegetation.

How do I apply for tordon?

For tree injection, use 1 milliliter of Tordon RTU and inject it through the tree bark all the way around the tree at ground level every 2 to 3 inches between the edges of the injection sites. Step 2: To kill tree stumps, spray or paint the solution on the cambium area of the stump next to the bark with Tordon RTU.

How long does brush off take to work?

period of 12 months should elapse before oversowing treated areas with grasses or legumes.

Is tordon restricted?

Tordon herbicides are classified as restricted- use pesticides because of their ability to injure susceptible plants at extremely low rates. The rigorous training required for state certification helps ensure that applicators apply Tordon properly, limiting the potential for damage to nontarget vegetation.

How long does tordon stay in the soil?

Tordon stays active and toxic in soil for up to a year after normal application. In wet, marshy, and low-clay soils, Tordon can decay in as little as one month. If water is used sparingly or clay is a primary component of the soil, Tordon can have a half-life of more than 4 years.

How long does it take for tordon to work?

Tordon RTU can take up to 2 weeks to kill vegetation. Please reapply after 7-10 days if you do not see immediate results.