Why is globalization an important aspect of the antibiotic resistance problem?
Why is globalization an important aspect of the antibiotic resistance problem?
Globalization fuels the spread of antimicrobial resistance where transmission is facilitated by increased trade, travel and both human and animal migration. Travellers often carry home resistant bacteria from holidays or business trips.
How does antibiotic resistance affect global health?
Worldwide, antibiotic resistance threatens our progress in healthcare, food production, and ultimately life expectancy. Antibiotic resistance has been found in all regions of the world. Modern travel of people, animals, and goods means antibiotic resistance can easily spread across borders and continents.
Why is AMR a global concern?
Why is AMR a global concern? New resistance mechanisms are emerging and spreading globally, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases and resulting in prolonged illness, disability and death.
What is the main cause of antibiotic resistance?
The main cause of antibiotic resistance is antibiotic use. When we use antibiotics, some bacteria die but resistant bacteria can survive and even multiply. The overuse of antibiotics makes resistant bacteria more common. The more we use antibiotics, the more chances bacteria have to become resistant to them.
Why is antibiotic resistance important?
Antibiotic resistance jeopardizes advancements in modern health care that we have come to rely on, such as joint replacements, organ transplants, and cancer therapy. These procedures have a significant risk of infection, and patients won’t be able to receive them if effective antibiotics are not available.
What are the effects of antibiotic resistance?
Antibiotic resistance results in a decreased ability to treat infections and illnesses in people, animals and plants. This can lead to the following problems: increased human illness, suffering and death, increased cost and length of treatments, and.