What does multi compartment mean?

Multicompartment definition Having or requiring multiple compartments; multicompartmental. adjective.

What are multi compartment pharmacokinetic models used for?

Jump to a Section Pharmacokinetic models are used to simplify all the complex processes that occur during drug administration that include drug distribution and elimination in the body.

What do you mean by compartment model?

Compartment models are usually employed to represent transport of material in systems such as chemical reactions, biological processes and ecological interactions. They consist of a collection of compartments that are inter-linked by material flows of different order.

What is another term for compartment model?

Compartmental models, also known as data-based models, are essentially curves fit to experimental data on blood, plasma, or urine concentrations of a xenobiotics or its metabolite(s).

What is single compartment?

Description. In single-compartment modeling, the drug is considered to be distributed instantaneously into a unique compartment in the body. This compartment is characterized by a distribution volume. The drug input into this volume depends on the dosage regimen.

What is a 2 compartment model?

Pharmacokinetics refers to the rate and extent of distribution of a drug to different tissues, and the rate of elimination of the drug.

What is pharmacokinetics compartment?

In pharmacokinetics, a compartment is a defined volume of body fluids, typically of the human body, but also those of other animals with multiple organ systems.

What is the difference between one-compartment and two-compartment model?

A one-compartment model may be used for drugs which rapidly equilibrate with the tissue compartment, e.g, aminoglycosides. A two-compartment model should be used for drugs which slowly equilibrate with the tissue compartment, e.g, vancomycin.

What is a three compartment model?

In the three-compartmental modeling, three compartments describe the fate of a drug once administered: the central compartment, which represents the plasma; the highly perfused compartment, which represents the organs and tissues highly perfused by the blood; and the scarcely perfused compartment, which represents the …

How many compartment models are there?

While the one-compartment model approximates the whole body as a single compartment by assuming that the drug concentration is uniformly distributed and is eliminated by a first-order process, the three-compartment model features (i) a central compartment model that corresponds to plasma, (ii) a rapidly-equilibrating …

What is the difference between one and two compartment model?