Can a heat pump heat a swimming pool?

Did you know you can use heat pumps for swimming pools? A swimming pool can potentially be heated by any heating appliance, but a heat pump can be a very efficient and low carbon method of heating the pool water.

Can you heat a swimming pool with air source?

Air source heat pumps can be used in two ways when heating your pool renewably. They can be purchased specifically for swimming pools and are surprisingly affordable, particularly when compared to the investment you’d make on buying a pool in the first place.

How much is a geothermal pool heater?

Exact costs depend on drilling rates in the area, but conventional geothermal systems generally run in the tens of thousands of dollars and can surpass $100,000. The time it takes for geothermal heating systems to pay for themselves depends on local conditions — both installation and utilities charges in the area.

What size heat pump do I need for my swimming pool?

Heat Pump Sizing Chart – Inground Pools

Pool Size (Feet) Summer 4 BTU’s Spring & Fall 5 BTU’s
Up To 15,000 Gallons 14′ x 28′ 85,000 BTU 85,000 BTU
Up To 20,000 Gallons 16′ x 32′ 85,000 BTU 110,000 BTU
Up To 25,000 Gallons 18′ x 36′ 110,000 BTU 125,000 BTU
Up To 30,000 Gallons 20′ x 40′ 125,000 BTU 150,000 BTU

What is the best way to heat an outdoor swimming pool?

Solar should always be the primary heat source for a pool which will be a combination of good location in the yard to maximize sun exposure on the pool itself, combined with the pool color (tip 3) and by installing some hydronic solar panels.

Are pool heat pumps worth it?

Heat pump pool heaters cost more than gas pool heaters, but they typically have much lower annual operating costs because of their higher efficiencies. With proper maintenance, heat pump pool heaters typically last longer than gas pool heaters. Therefore, you’ll save more money in the long run.

How much does a ground source heat pump cost to install?

How Much Do Ground Source Heat Pumps Cost in the UK? The ground source heat pump cost will differ from one project to another. The average ground source heat pump prices and installation costs range from £13,000 to £35,000. The price would naturally vary depending on the system you select.

How much is a heat pump for a swimming pool?

Heat pumps are priced according to BTUs and COP. Prices start at $2,000 – $3,000 and go as high as $4,000 – $5,000. Heat pump operating costs vary by geographic location, desired pool temperature, and whether or not a pool cover is used.

Can you add a heat pump to an existing pool?

You can add a pool heater to an existing pool. Homeowners can choose to add a solar heater, electric heat pump, or a gas/propane heater to their pool. By doing so, you can keep your pool heated during the cold seasons.

How long does a heat pump take to warm a pool?

24 to 72 hours
It depends on a few things to determine how long it takes a heat pump to heat a pool. However, overall a heat pump generally heats a pool after 24 to 72 hours by 20-degrees Fahrenheit. For smaller pools like a spa pool, the heat pump can heat a pool between 45 and 60 minutes.