What is endobronchial tumor?

Introduction. Pure endobronchial neoplasm, defined as the tumor involving the bronchial lumen mainly, is rare and presents as diverse pathological distributions (1,2). Malignant diseases are more common than benign ones and mostly originate from the surface epithelium.

How is endobronchial mass diagnosed?

Diagnosis is confirmed by immunohistochemical staining, and resection is the treatment of choice. We report a middle-age female with endobronchial glomus tumor.

Where is an endobronchial lesion?

Endobronchial lesions, particularly tumors, are among the less common etiology for pulmonary nodules, and include such conditions as carcinoid tumors and minor salivary gland neoplasms, as well as a host of other mesenchymal neoplasms, both benign and malignant, that may arise from the epithelium, submucosa, or wall of …

What is endobronchial lipoma?

Endobronchial lipoma is an extremely rare benign tumor, with incidence ranging from only 0.1 to 0.5% in all lung tumors [1]. Endobronchial lipomas originate from the fat cells located in the peribronchial and occasionally the submucosal tissue of main bronchi [2].

What is endobronchial metastasis?

Endobronchial metastasis (EBM) is defined as documented extrathoracic malignancies metastatic to the endobronchus within a bronchoscopically visible range.

What causes endobronchial lesion?

It has been reported that smoking and obesity are significant risk factors for endobronchial lipoma. The clinical symptoms of endobronchial lipoma are caused by airway obstruction and patients present with cough, hemoptysis, recurrent pneumonia, wheeze, or dyspnea.

What is endobronchial carcinoid?

Endobronchial carcinoid tumors are the most common intrabronchial tumors in children and adolescents. Common signs and symptoms include persistent cough and wheezing not responsive to bronchodilators, hemoptysis, and recurrent fever.

Can lipomas cause trouble breathing?

Endobronchial lipomas can remain clinically silent for many years, and due to their slow growth they are often diagnosed late (5). Clinical manifestation of an endobronchial lipoma can occur as shortness of breath, cough, recurrent pneumonia, atelectasis, and hemoptysis.

Does smoking cause lipomas?

Endobronchial lipomas, usually found in the obese and in smokers, can cause patients significant distress with chronic cough, chest pain, dyspnea, and increased infection risk.

What do metastatic lung nodules look like?

Typically, metastases appear of soft tissue attenuation, well circumscribed, rounded lesions, more often in the periphery of the lung. They are usually of variable size, a feature which is of some use in distinguishing them from a granuloma 3.

What is endobronchial brachytherapy?

Abstract. The endobronchial brachytherapy procedure involves the insertion of an afterloading catheter into bronchus in close proximity to an endoluminal lesion, and to perform limited irradiation sparing as much as possible normal health tissues. The catheter is inserted during a classical flexible bronchoscopy.

What are bronchial lesions?

Bronchial adenoma is a rare type of cancer that starts in the mucous glands and ducts of the lung airways (bronchi) or windpipe (trachea), and in the salivary glands. Although the word “adenoma” means a noncancerous tumor, most bronchial adenomas are cancer and can spread to other parts of the body.