What note is a minor 3rd above C?

A minor third is equal to 3 half-steps. The minor 3rd interval is abbreviated m3. A minor third above C is Eb.

What is a minor 3rd from B flat?

The minor 3rd interval below Db is Bb. M3. maj3. The major 3rd interval below D is Bb. A3.

What is a minor third below C?

Minor third interval starting from the note, C C, E♭

What note is a minor third above B flat?

3rd intervals above note B-flat

Short Medium Intervals ‘above’ statement
d3 dim3 The Bb to Dbb interval is diminished 3rd
m3 min3 The Bb to Db interval is minor 3rd
M3 maj3 The Bb to D interval is major 3rd
A3 aug3 The Bb to D# interval is augmented 3rd

How do you go down a minor third?

Think of the major key that uses this time signature (e.g. “F major”), then transpose that keynote (F) in the way the question asks. For example if the transposition is “down a minor 3rd”, then transpose F down a minor 3rd, to D.

How do you transpose down a minor 3rd?

For example if the transposition is “down a minor 3rd”, then transpose F down a minor 3rd, to D. The new key signature should be that for D major. If it says “up a minor 3rd”, the new key signature should be Ab major.

How many notes is a minor 3rd?

two notes
The minor third interval consists of two notes with a whole and a half steps distance. For example, C to Eb note will result in this musical interval. The minor third interval is abbreviated m3 whereas the major third is abbreviated M3. An alternate spelling of minor third is augmented second.

Is B to Ca minor second?

If we use C major as an example, a minor 2nd is the interval between C and the B below the C. A minor third is the interval from C down to A, a minor 6th from C down to E, and, finally, a minor seventh from C down to D.

What is a major third below B?

Having established that the major 3rd interval of the B major scale is note D#, this step will explore the other 3rd intervals next this note.

What is a minor 3rd in music?

The minor third interval consists of two notes with a whole and a half steps distance. For example, C to Eb note will result in this musical interval. The minor third interval is abbreviated m3 whereas the major third is abbreviated M3. An alternate spelling of minor third is augmented second.