What farm crop has purple flowers?

Phacelia has beautiful purple flowers, which attract insects for pollination. It has additional cover crop benefits including; providing organic matter and acting as a nitrogen catch crop.

What is the crop in fields with blue flowers?

If in June you see fields of bright blue star-shaped flowers on bristly stems, it will probably be borage – an ancient herb that grows right across Europe as a weed, but has now been renamed “starflower” by the farming industry and is being cultivated on a big scale in Britain for the health food and alternative …

Which crop has purple leaves?

Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ It’s hard to think of a more versatile plant with purple leaves than Cercis canadensis. Grow it as a shrub or a multi-stemmed small tree.

What is the purple stuff growing in fields in Missouri?

Henbit turns fallow fields pinkish purple in early spring. Henbit draws attention in early spring when it blasts entire fields with the pinkish-purple of its flowers.

What vegetables have purple flowers?

Flowers: Eggplant flowers are beautiful, with five or six fused bright purple petals and a bright yellow stamen. Vegetables: The eggplant itself is hard to miss – it hangs from the plant and is a deep, rich purple.

What is the purple plants in fields?

They’re winter annuals called Henbit and Purple Deadnettle. Both are in the mint family. They grow in fields every year, but they are especially colorful in years with mild winters, when the warmer weather gives the cool season plant more time to germinate.

What is the purple stuff in the fields?

The two most responsible for purple patches in fields are henbit and purple deadnettle. Both grow close to the ground, and can produce thick patches of cover. Purple deadnettle is more likely found in southern counties.

What is the purple leaf plant called?

1. Purple Oxalis. Native to Brazil, Oxalis plants display unique pinwheel foliage and a wealth of starry blossoms. Some varieties produce purple leaves or foliage with deeper accent markings.

What kind of plant is purple?

Lavender. Lavender has become a garden stalwart due to its rich fragrance, gorgeous purple colour and ease of growing. It’s popular with pollinators, too.

Why do farmers grow phacelia?

Phacelia is a rapidly growing, high biomass plant. It is a nitrogen holder and weed suppressor. Its eye catching purple flowers are particularly good at attracting bees and other beneficial insects. Used as a soil improving green manure.

What is the purple vegetable plant?

Eggplants Eggplants , also called Aubergines, are attractive vegetable plants that come in a range of purple shades including dark purple, light purple and striped varieties. The anthocyanins in purple eggplants are in the skin, so leave the skin on for maximum nutrition when you’re cooking with eggplants.