What percentage of internet users are male?

Proportion of Internet users, by gender, 2019* The proportion of women using the Internet globally is 48 per cent, compared to 58 per cent of men. In relative terms, this means that the global Internet user gap is 17 per cent.

What is urban percentage of male internet user in India?

Around 58 percent of rural internet users were male while only 42 percent of rural users were female that year. In comparison, there were more female internet users in urban areas with a share of 43 percent and 57 percent were urban male users.

What percentage of Indian population uses internet?

Internet penetration rate in India went up to nearly around 47 percent in 2021, from just about four percent in 2007….Internet penetration rate in India from 2007 to 2021.

Characteristic Internet penetration rate
2019 50%
2018 38.02%
2017 34.4%
2016 34.8%

Are there more males or females on the Internet?

The statistic shows share of internet users in the United States in 2021, sorted by gender. During the survey period, it was found that 93 percent of the female population were internet users compared to 94 percent of their male counterpart.

Do boys and girls share the same usage of internet?

Girls spend more time on the Internet than boys. On a normal day, nearly every other girl aged 16–18 uses the Internet for at least three hours. However, more boys than girls spend considerable time on computer games.

Which gender spends more time on social media?

Women spend more time on social-networking sites than men — averaging 5.5 hours a month compared with 3.9 hours for men, said the Reston, Va. -based Internet research firm. Likewise, 76% all women online visit a social networking site compared with 70% of all men online.

How many rural Internet users are there in India?

299 million
The rural internet user base in 2020 was 299 million. The report estimates India had 622 million active internet users in 2020, when the total population was estimated to be 1,433 million individuals.

Which state uses the most internet in India?

Statewise Internet uses in India As per the NFHS report, there were 626 million internet users in India in January 2022. Among the Larger States, Kerala has the highest percentage of Internet users followed by Punjab & Haryana. In smaller states & UTs Chandigarh has the highest percentage followed by Goa and Sikkim.

Which country has the highest percentage of internet users?

China ranks first in this list of countries with most internet users. Due to its ongoing and fast-paced economic development, but also to a cultural inclination towards technology, more than a billion of the estimated 1.4 billion population in China are online.

Is the Internet dominated by males?

The internet was dominated by men in its early days, but by 2000 and continuing on to today, the user population has been evenly divided between men and women. Further, the proportion of women online is nearly equal to that of men.

Why are there more men online?

The simplest explanation is basic supply and demand. Evidence suggests that men use dating apps more prolifically than women — both in the number of users and in the frequency of use.