What does commutated mean in an ECM motor?

ECM stands for an “electronically commutated motor” which basically means a motor that uses electronic controls to vary its speed. There are three types of ECM motors: constant cfm, constant rpm, and constant torque. Since cfm, rpm and torque are all related, the basic prinicples are the same.

What does electrically commutated mean?

An electronically commutated (EC) motor is designed to run on an alternating current (AC) power supply, but it in fact bears a closer resemblance to a direct current (DC) motor. It is essentially a permanent magnet, brushless DC motor that incorporates on-board electronics.

Do EC motors need VFDs?

No. Because EC motor electronics convert incoming 50 or 60 Hz AC power to a DC voltage within the motor, the speed of the motor will be the same with 50 or 60 Hz AC power input (except in the case of ECR 82/92 motors, which are “mains synchronous”).

Which motor is called as electronically commutated motor?

A brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motor or BL motor), also known as an electronically commutated motor (ECM or EC motor) or synchronous DC motor, is a synchronous motor using a direct current (DC) electric power supply.

What is the purpose of commutator?

On DC and most AC motors the purpose of the commutator is to insure that the current flowing through the rotor windings is always in the same direction, and the proper coil on the rotor is energized in respect to the field coils.

What is the difference between AC and EC fans?

An AC fan has an alternating current and is very expensive to control without making it hum or buzz. An EC fan is basically a digital fan. It’s a lot easier to control. Running an EC fan at half speed uses half the electricity.

Which is better ECM or PSC motor?

ECM technology is based on a direct current (DC) design that is more efficient and it runs cooler than AC PSC motors. They are, in fact, approximately 80% efficient compared to the 60% efficiency rating of PSC designs.

Can you speed control a PSC motor?

The 770-PSC Control offers a way to add existing single phase PSC or shaded pole motor fans to a building automation system. The 770-PSC control measures the motor’s RPM, using an easy to attach sensor, and can adjust the motor’s speed to match a chosen set point.

Why are EC fans more efficient?

They are inherently more efficient than traditional centrifugal fans because of their unique design, which uses a brushless EC motor in a backward curved motorized impeller. EC fans achieve speed control by varying the DC voltage delivered to the fan.

Can ECM motors be 3 phase?

An electronically commutated motor is a three-phase, brushless DC motor. It comprises three major components: a circuit board, an electronic control module, and a three-phase motor with a permanent magnet rotor, as shown in Figure 1. The module and motor make up the actual ECM.