How cold does it get in Canterbury?
How cold does it get in Canterbury?
In Canterbury, the summers are short and comfortable, the winters are long and very cold, and it is windy and partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 36°F to 71°F and is rarely below 28°F or above 78°F.
What is the hottest month in Christchurch?
The coldest month is usually July and the warmest month is usually January or February.
Does Christchurch get cold?
January and February are the warmest months, while mid-winter July is the coldest month of the whole year. Summer temperatures usually average between 20-30 degrees at the most, while winter highs fall in the teens and can drop below zero on particularly cold days.
What was the temperature today in Canterbury?
Seven day forecast for Canterbury
Time | 00:00 | 19:00 |
Temperature in degrees Celsius | 12° | 18° |
Feels like temperature °C | ||
Feels like temperature in degrees Celsius | 11° | 16° |
Wind direction and speed mph Choose wind speed units mph km/h knots m/s Beaufort |
Will we get snow in Kent this year?
The early part of 2021 brought with it significant snowfall across Kent and the latest forecasts suggest 2022 could follow suit. Forecasters TheWeatherOutlook have issued a long term forecast for the south of England and it makes good reading for those wanting to get the sledges out this winter.
How much rain does Kent get a year?
According to Köppen and Geiger, this climate is classified as Csb. The average temperature in Kent is 10.3 °C | 50.5 °F. In a year, the rainfall is 1386 mm | 54.6 inch.
Does Kent have snow?
The days are at their shortest and the temperature at the coolest, the days can be crisp and clear therefore if visitors do not mind the cold, it is possible to enjoy visiting Kent in winter. There is the possibility of snowfall during this time and it can get cold so visitors are advised to bring warm winter clothing.
What is the coldest place in NZ?
The lowest temperature ever recorded was −25.6 °C (−14.1 °F) at Ranfurly in Otago in 1903, with a more recent temperature of −21.6 °C (−6.9 °F) recorded in 1995 in nearby Ophir.
When was the last time it snowed in Christchurch?
Significant snow storms occurred in Christchurch in 1862, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1918, 1945, 1992, 2006, 2011, 2012 and 2013.