How do you relink a binary?

Relinking Oracle Database Client Binaries After Installation

  1. Login as the Oracle Database Client owner user ( oracle ).
  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.
  3. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:
  4. Run the relink script with the as_installed option to relink the binaries.

Why do we relink Oracle binaries?

A relink is necessary whenever you install a new release or a patchset or when there is a patch or upgrade to the OS environment. The larger the selected granularity; for example, all the more items that must be shut down and restarted for the relink, then the longer the relink process will take.

Where is Oracle installation directory in Windows?

On Windows platforms, the Oracle Home (contains Oracle database products) location is defined in the system environment variable called EPM_ORACLE_HOME (contains all Oracle products) and the default location is C:/Oracle/Middleware/PMSystem11R1 .

Which version of Oracle is compatible with Windows 10?

Oracle Database for Windows x64 is supported on the following operating systems: Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro and Enterprise editions. Windows 10 x64 – Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions.

What is relink in Oracle?

Relinking occurs automatically under these circumstances: – An Oracle product has been installed with an Oracle provided installer. – An Oracle patch set has been applied via an Oracle provided installer. Relinking Oracle manually is suggested under the following circumstances. – An OS upgrade has occurred.

Where is Tnsnames Ora located in Windows 10?

ORACLE_HOME\network\admin directory
tnsnames. ora is located in the ORACLE_HOME\network\admin directory on Windows.

How do I know if Oracle is installed on Windows 10?

From the Start menu, select All Programs, then Oracle – HOMENAME, then Oracle Installation Products, then Universal Installer. In the Welcome window, click Installed Products to display the Inventory dialog box. To check the installed contents, find the Oracle Database product in the list.

Is Oracle 10g client 12c compatible?

The Oracle 10g, 11g, and 12c connectors enable the integration platform to perform create, read, update, and delete operations on Oracle 10g, 11g, and 12c data tables. Note: You must have the Oracle 10g, 11g, or 12c standard 64-bit client installed on your system and you must have access to Oracle.

Can I install Oracle on Windows 10 home?

Note: The installation may experience some hiccups on Windows 10 Home. The Complete Installation Reference can be seen here. STEP-1: Download the free Oracle Database Express Edition XE from this location. STEP-2: Extract and run the setup wizard from download file OracleXE184_Win64.