Are exposed light bulbs safe?
Are exposed light bulbs safe?
Exposed bulbs can even ignite the pull strings attached to porcelain fixtures, which can fall onto other flammable materials and start a fire. Even non-flammable pull-chains are dangerous; when in contact with an exposed bulb, they can conduct heat into the fixture, overheat the electrical wires and start a fire.
Do light bulbs need to be covered?
Protective Coverings for All Light Fixtures All light fixtures, whether they contain fluorescent bulbs or not, must have protective plates. In areas where light fixtures could be damaged, they must be guarded by sufficiently strong barriers to prevent shattering.
What is the OSHA rule for lighting?
The Minimum Illumination Required in Workplace Lighting Standards. General construction areas require a minimum of 5 foot-candles of illumination, and plants and shops require at least 10 foot-candles.
Are exposed incandescent lamps allowed in clothes closet luminaries?
While at one time it was acceptable to have these lights in closets as long as the bulb was at least 18″ away from the closet shelf, exposed incandescent lights are no longer allowed in closets, period. Here’s what the 2014 National Electric Code (NEC) says about closet lights: 410.16 Luminaires in Clothes Closets.
What causes a light bulb to catch on fire?
Wires in a bulb that get brittle due to an excess amount of heat as a result of having wattage that exceeds specifications can cause a bulb to catch fire. This can be especially common with wires inside walls and ceilings.
Is dust on a light bulb a fire hazard?
Disregarding Dust Believe it or not, built-up dust can be a fire hazard if it collects in and around electronics, electrical sockets, and even floor heaters.
Can I cover an LED bulb?
While there is some controversy over the safety of covering LED lights, most research indicates that it is safe to do so. In fact, it can give you more advantages for covering your led lights.
Why bulb is covered with glass?
In order to keep oxygen away from a light bulb’s filament on Earth, some bulbs have most of the air removed, others are simply filled with an inert gas (one that does not burn or aid combustion). Thus on Earth the glass globe around the filament is necessary to keep the filament isolated from the oxygen in the air.
What are the working environment requirements for lighting?
Key principles in lighting In general, the more detailed the task, the greater the light requirement. A process control room should be lit at an illuminance of 300 lux, a corridor or walkway may only require 50 lux, whilst studying an engineering drawing may require 750 lux (see HSG38 Lighting at Work).
What are the requirements for lamps in work areas?
To keep your workers safe, general work areas should be lit to 160 lux. More complex or intricate tasks require brighter lighting and higher lux readings.
Are bare bulbs allowed in closets?
Exposed or partially exposed incandescent or LED lamps (bulbs) are not allowed in closets. While utility light fixtures with bare bulbs in a socket were once common in closets and other storage areas, these are no longer allowed. All light bulbs must be fully enclosed in a globe or other housing.
What is the permitted lighting fixture in clothes closet?
Only luminaires of the following types shall be permitted in a clothes closet: Surface-mounted or recessed incandescent or LED luminaires with completely enclosed light sources. Surface-mounted or recessed fluorescent luminaires.