What is the Apache user in CentOS?

Apache user is typically the user that the apache httpd server uses when running. It uses this “apache” user to avoid having to use a “human” user, and to avoid having to run as root.

What is the default user for Apache?

By default, Apache uses www-data user in Ubuntu/Debian and apache in CentOS/Redhat/Fedora to access your website files and run system commands. However, sometimes you may need to use a different user & group for your website files. Here are the steps to change Apache user.

How do I change my default Apache to CentOS?

Connect to the server via SSH, (or open a terminal session). The file you need to edit is called httpd. conf. This server is running CentOS, so you should find that file in the /etc/httpd/conf folder.

What permissions does Apache need?

What File Permissions for Apache File/Folders

  • Set Your User. Let us say your website files & folders are located at /var/www/html.
  • Set web server as group owner. By default, Apache and NGINX use www-data as the user for web server.
  • Set 750 permission for al file & folders.
  • Inherit permissions.

How do I run Apache as root?

2 Answers

  1. Create a shell script that does what you want.
  2. In a terminal window, execute the command sudo vi /etc/sudoers and insert the following line at the end of the file (important to be at end so the other commands do not override): ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /localstore/root.sh.

What is default directory of Apache in Linux?

By default, the Apache web root or Document root folder location is at /var/www/html.

Where is the default Apache home page?

If you installed httpd from source, the default location of the configuration files is /usr/local/apache2/conf . The default configuration file is usually called httpd.

How do I change permissions in apache?

Make sure the file permissions ( chmod ) allow read permission by the group….5 Answers

  1. Give 0777 permission to file itself. chmod 0777 /home/djameson/test.txt.
  2. Change Ownership to apache user www-data and give owner-write permission.
  3. Add your user to www-data group or vice-verse add www-data user to your group.