How do you color BBCode?

Change the color of a text with the [color] BBCode….Text Formatting.

BBCode Display
[color=yellow]yellow text[/color] yellow text
[color=green]green text[/color] green text
[color=pink]pink text[/color] pink text

What’s the RGB for gold?

Information about Gold / #FFD700 In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #FFD700 is made of 100% red, 84.3% green and 0% blue.

What is the color code for RGB?

RGB color table

HTML / CSS Name Hex Code #RRGGBB Decimal Code (R,G,B)
Red #FF0000 (255,0,0)
Lime #00FF00 (0,255,0)
Blue #0000FF (0,0,255)
Yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0)

What Colour is this Colour code?

Major hexadecimal color codes

Color Name Color Code
Purple #800080
Yellow #FFFF00
Lime #00FF00
Magenta #FF00FF

What is a BB code in a forum?

Bulletin Board code (BBCode) is a lightweight markup language designed to let users format the text of their messages. It is used in many forums on the web, not just on websites created with Kentico. BBCode tags are similar to HTML tags and are entered in square brackets.

WHY IS 255 in RGB?

The reason it is 255 is because, typically, a color is stored in three bytes, or 24 bits, of data. This is convenient, is generally “good enough”, and doesn’t waste much data. Since each of red, green and blue get eight bits of data, that means there are 256 possible values. 0 is the lowest, 255 is the highest.

How do I get BBCode?

Where do I find the BBCode? BBCodes are only available on the desktop website. Once you have uploaded your images, hover over an image and click “Get share links” to copy the BBCode.