What is NRMS Navy?

​Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS) provides the tools and capability to monitor, track, and analyze retention data. CCCs use NRMS to monitor retention and attrition statistics and provide monthly updates to the Commanding Officer.

How long does a separation quota remain in C-way?

3. Separation Quotas remain in C-WAY until the Sailor has effected separation, or the Sailor is reset by the cognizant Enlisted Community Manager (ECM).

How do you update page 2 on Nsips?

You must update your Page 2 by accessing RED/DA within NSIPS or by visiting your support Personnel Office so your changes can be officially submitted to your OMPF.

Who is required to be at a Navy CDB?

CDB’s are required for all Sailors upon reporting to a command – after six months on board, at 12-months onboard and at 12-month intervals thereafter. Official guidance is contained in OPNAVINST 1040.11C.

How do I access Fltmps?


  1. Click ‘NTMPS Access. Request Application’.
  2. and/or Alpha Roster for. Enlisted or Officer personnel.
  3. and Losses Reports for Active Duty Enlisted and Officer personnel. Click ‘Personnel’.
  4. Profile to save time.
  5. Data search to verify most.
  6. Reports, usually within two weeks after results are released.

How do I get access to CIMS?

All personnel responsible for accessing sensitive government information and Privacy Act data, are required to complete an OPNAV 5239/14 System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N) form with a digital signature along with completing the online Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) request to gain …

What is a C Way quota?

FAQs for Extension of Enlistments to Complete. The Career Waypoints (C-WAY) system is a corporate Information Technology system which provides a mechanism for matching personnel inventory to requirements with the best performing Sailors.

How long can you extend in the Navy?

a. The enlistment contract cannot be extended for more than 48 aggregate months. b. Extension agreements authorized during initial recruit enlistment contracts for 6-year obligation and 5-year enlistment programs count against the authorized months of extension per reference (a).

How long does it take for Nsips to update?

Once submitted through NSIPS, it takes approximately 60 days for the points to be automatically reflected online via system update.

What is a Page 2 in the Navy?

Updated Process for Sailors: a. The data for Record of Emergency Data (RED) and Dependency Application (DA) currently resides on the NAVPERS 1070/602, Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data, that is most commonly known as the Page 2.

How do you separate from the Navy early?

As always, Commanding Officers can approve education separation requests inside of 90 days of a service member’s SEAOS. Those applying for a commissioning program or inter-Service transfer require what’s called a conditional release which can only be approved by Navy Personnel Command.

What is high tenure Navy?

The High Year Tenure (HYT) Program is a vital and effective force shaping tool to properly size and shape the active and Reserve Navy. This is a total force policy which establishes standardized length-of-service (LOS) gates by pay grade balanced with a waiver process that allows Navy to retain the right Sailor.