How do I delete a Pokemon save file?

Press Delete Save Data at the bottom of the screen. Select Pokemon Sword & Shield, then Press Delete Save Data. If you’re deleting the data, then a second prompt will ask you to press delete again, confirm, and then your game data will reset.

How do you delete saved game on Pokemon Black?

In order to do it, go to the main screen of the game and press Up, Select, and B at the same time. This will bring up some menu options that will be able to delete your game.

How do you reset Pokemon last save?

How to revert to a previous save file in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

  1. Open Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl from the Nintendo Switch home screen.
  2. Wait until you reach the box art Pokémon screen.
  3. Press UP, X, and B simultaniously.
  4. Select Start with your backup data.
  5. Press A.

How do you delete a saved game on Pokemon 3DS?

Complete these steps

  1. From the HOME Menu tap the System Settings icon, then Open.
  2. Tap Data Management.
  3. Tap Nintendo 3DS.
  4. Select the data you would like to delete, then select Delete.
  5. Tap Delete Software and Save Data or Create Save-Data Backup and Delete Software.
  6. Tap Delete again to confirm.

How do you restart a Pokemon game?

Unfortunately, Pokemon games only allow a single save file on each game card. If you wish to start a new save file, you must clear your previously saved data first. To do this, Press UP + B + X at the Main Menu. You will be given confirmation notices before the data has been permanently deleted.

How do I reset my Pokemon Sword game?

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Go to System Settings.
  2. Go to the Data Management tab.
  3. Select Delete Save Data.
  4. Select Pokemon Sword / Pokemon Shield.
  5. Delete the Save Data for the relevant user.
  6. Select Delete Save Data when prompted.

How do I start a new game in BDSP?

To reset Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, return to the home menu on the Switch and head to the System Settings menu. Head to Data Management, then Delete Save Data.

How do you use Pokemon save files?

As always you can save your game by opening the main menu, done by pressing ‘X’ in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and then selecting the option to ‘Save. ‘ From there, you just need to select the option to ‘Save your progress’ and your game will have been manually saved.

How do you delete a saved game on Pokemon DS?

To delete your saved game, go to the Title Screen, then simultaneously press Up on the Control Pad, SELECT, and the B Button. Once your saved data is deleted, it CANNOT be restored. Please be careful when deleting your saved data. (All Pokémon and Items will be deleted.)

How do you delete Pokemon?

Here’s the step by step guide to get rid of or transfer your Pokemon:

  1. Click on the Pokeball at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the Pokemon you want to get rid of from the list of Pokemons.
  3. Upon selection, the details page of the Pokemon will open.
  4. Click on the “Transfer” button, again at the bottom of the screen.