How do I recertify my 340B?

Visit the HRSA OPA website for information on registration and recertification. Recertification is performed via the HRSA 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (340B OPAIS) during quarterly open registration windows.

How often must a CE recertify their 340B Program?

340B covered entities must annually recertify their eligibility to remain in the 340B Drug Pricing Program and continue purchasing covered outpatient drugs at discounted 340B prices.

What is 340B Opais?

The 340B registration and pricing databases are collectively known as the 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (340B OPAIS). Authorized users of 340B OPAIS must have a user account with appropriate roles and permissions granted by HRSA. Access the 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System.

What does Opais stand for?


Acronym Definition
OPAIS Office of Public Affairs and Information Services

How does 340B work?

The federal 340B Program is a drug price control program that allows qualifying providers, generally hospitals, specialty clinics and their associated outpatient facilities serving uninsured and low-income patients in rural communities, to purchase outpatient drugs from manufacturers at discounted prices.

What is WAC in pharmacy?

WAC (Wholesale Acquisition Cost) WAC is the most commonly used benchmark in pharmacy purchasing of drugs. Published by the manufacturer for sale via a wholesaler. Many pharmacies buy their drugs from a Wholesaler (AmeriSource Bergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson are the three largest drug wholesalers)

What is 340B Prime Vendor Program?

The HRSA 340B Prime Vendor Program enables 340B covered entities to obtain pharmaceutical prices lower than 340B statutory prices and access cost-saving contracts for value add pharmacy items such as diabetic supplies, vaccines, diagnostic test kits, pharmacy hardware, software solutions and more.

What is a TPA in 340B?

Overview. Health centers participating in the 340B drug pricing program often rely on contract pharmacies and 340B administrators (sometimes called third-party administrators, or “TPAs”) to carry out their mission, deliver discounted drugs to their patients, and ensure compliance with 340B program requirements.

What does a 340B auditor do?

HRSA’s 340B Program audits review manufacturer compliance with respect to eligibility status, including compliance with 340B Program requirements and the determination that the manufacturer provided 340B drugs at or below the 340B ceiling price to participating covered entities.

What does a 340B analyst do?

Monitor, report, and analyze contract pharmacy 340B activities; provide financial reports to hospitals or other covered entities relative to financial impact and liabilities; make recommendations that would improve efficiency.