How much is housing at Stony Brook University?

SUNY Stony Brook offers students separate housing and dining options. The on-campus housing charge for an average student was $9,082 in 2020, and the cost of an average meal plan was $5,196.

Can freshman live off campus at Stony Brook?

You have various living options when living off campus. There are condominiums (gated communities), rooms within a landlord’s home, accessory apartments, and rentals to live in with friends.

Does Stonybrook have single dorms?

Features single and double rooms in an apartment style setting. Offer all year-round housing. Chapin & Schomburg Apartments are designed to house families. Shared bathroom for the apartment and are cleaned weekly.

Is housing guaranteed at Stony Brook?

Am I guaranteed to get the specific housing accommodation I request (i.e., a single room or accommodations in the West Apartments)? No, Transfer students / HSC Crossovers are not guaranteed housing. Housing accommodations will be provided based on availability and the date your application was received.

Can you pick your roommate at Stony Brook University?

Our office provides a platform for your roommate search. This platform connect members of the Stony Brook University community who are in the search for off-campus roommates. Submit a listing and then search through the profiles of others.

Can you choose roommates at Stony Brook?

You will not be able to room change or room swap into gender-based male or female housing. New Fall 2022 Students will be able to sign up and see the GIH tab in the housing portal from May 9 at 11am until May 23 at 5pm.

Is Stony Brook affordable?

Affordable Excellence Stony Brook’s tuition rate is among the most affordable of all top-tier universities in the nation. Tuition and fees at SUNY are nearly 15% lower than the national average for public universities and 50% lower than for-profit institutions.

Is Stony Brook prestigious?

Stony Brook has been ranked No. 25 among public universities in the prestigious Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education U.S. College Rankings for 2020, representing an increase of five places over last year. Stony Brook is the highest ranked state institution in New York State and is ranked No.