Do convict cichlids feed their babies?

Don’t be alarmed by this! (As a note, your Convict Cichlid pair may eat their babies the first few spawns. They are new parents and are still trying to figure everything out, this is normal.)

How do you keep convict cichlid fry alive?

Few things that needs to be followed for at least 4 to 6 weeks caring for the Convict Cichlid Fry is keep them in a appropriate sized Tank, with sponge filter, follow 25% water change every 3 days, feed 3 times a day. Temperature range between 78 to 82 degree Fahrenheit helps with growth rate.

How many babies do convict cichlids have?

After 4 days you can expect the eggs to hatch and you will get around 30 little Convicts!

How fast do cichlid fry grow?

They will grow about 4 inches in the first year or so of life and not reach full size until about 5 years old.

How long does it take convict cichlid fry to grow?

Convict cichlids take around 2-3 years to reach their maximum size potential. On average, you can expect these fish to grow between 3-4 inches long, but sometimes, the males can very well grow 6 inches long.

Can cichlid fry eat flakes?

Once the fry have passed the first week or two of life, they are generally large enough to eat similar foods as the parents, just in smaller portions. Virtually all purchased foods, either flake, pelleted, or freeze-dried, can be ground to a fine size that fry can eat.

How long does it take for a baby cichlid to grow?

Bolivian ram cichlids, for example, can sprout up to 3 inches in their first two months of life. Their growth then levels off until they reach their full 6-inch length at about 10 months old. Oscars are one of the fastest-growing cichlids, growing an average of an inch a month for the first 10 or so months of life.

How long does it take for Convict Cichlid fry to grow?

Convict cichlids take around 2-3 years to reach their maximum size potential. On average, you can expect these fish to grow between 3-4 inches long, but sometimes, the males can very well grow 6 inches long. Convicts are one of the few fish species in which the males grow bigger than the females.

Do black convict cichlids eat their fry?

It’s best to separate the cichlid fry from parents as soon as they hatch because cichlids often eat their own babies. Disclaimer: not all cichlid parents perform infanticide, but from what I found on cichlids forums on the web, most parents gobble up their children (all or some).

When should I feed my convict cichlid fry?

Once the eggs are hatched (usually around 3 – 5 days), you can begin feeding them some small brine shrimp or a crushed up fry food. Infusoria is also a great, healthy food for the fry to snack on. When the fry are young, it’s important that you feed them frequently. At least 3 times a day will be enough.