Can you draw a triangle with 2 obtuse angles?

The answer is “No”. Reason: If a triangle has two obtuse angles, then the sum of all the 3 interior angles will not be equal to 180 degrees.

Can you draw a triangle with obtuse angles?

We can’t draw an obtuse angled equilateral triangle, because an obtuse angle has a measurement greater than 90∘ but less than 180∘. We know that, sum of angles in a triangle is 180∘ and the triangle to equilateral all the sides should be equal and all the corresponding angles also should be equal.

What is a shape with 2 obtuse angles?

Here is an example of a trapezoid. Notice that this trapezoid has two acute angles and two obtuse angles. Be sure to check out the angles when you look at a trapezoid.

Can you draw a triangle with 2 right angles?

Can a triangle have two right angles? The answer is “NO”, a triangle can never have two right angles. Reason: Sum of the three interior angles of a triangle must be 180 degrees.

How many obtuse angles are in a triangle?

Answer and Explanation: There can only be one obtuse angle in any triangle. This is because the measures of the interior angles of a triangle always must add up to 180…

Does a rectangle have 2 obtuse angles?

So a square or a rectangle is also a parallelogram. But they don’t have any obtuse angles. 2 obtuse angles are opposite and equal.

What shapes have obtuse angles?

Answer and Explanation: The following plane shapes or polygons have at least one obtuse angle in them. (A) Obtuse triangle, (B) rhombus, (C) trapezoid, (D) pentagon, (E)… See full answer below.

Can a triangle have two obtuse angles True or false?

(ii) A triangle cannot have two obtuse angles.

What is in obtuse angle?

An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.

How many obtuse angles does a triangle have?