What is midpoint population?

The mid-period (or midpoint) population is estimated by (i) taking the population at the end of the period; (ii) adding one half of the deaths during the period; and (iii) subtracting one half of the births during the period.

What is period prevalence in epidemiology?

Period prevalence is the proportion of a population that has the characteristic at any point during a given time period of interest. “Past 12 months” is a commonly used period. Lifetime prevalence is the proportion of a population who, at some point in life has ever had the characteristic.

What are the three epidemiological measures of disease frequency?

Incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates are three frequency measures that are used to characterize the occurrence of health events in a population.

What is an example of period prevalence?

Period prevalence: The number of cases of a health event in reference to a time period, often 12 months. For example, in a survey you would be asked if you have smoked during the past 12 months. Lifetime prevalence: The number of cases of the health event in reference to the total lifetime.

Why is midpoint important?

The midpoint formula is applied when one is required to find the exact center point between two defined points. So for a line segment, use this formula to calculate the point that bisects a line segment defined by the two points.

What is a midpoint mean and how is it computed?

Finding the Midpoint Between Two Numbers If we are given two numbers, then the midpoint is just the average of the two numbers. To calculate the midpoint, we add them up and then divide the result by 2.

How do you find mid interval population?

Divide the sum of the upper and lower limits by 2. The result is the midpoint of the interval. In the example, 12 divided by 2 yields 6 as the midpoint between 4 and 8.

Why is period prevalence important?

Prevalence indicates the probability that a member of the population has a given condition at a point in time. It is, therefore, a way of assessing the overall burden of disease in the population, so it is a useful measure for administrators when assessing the need for services or treatment facilities.

What is catchment population in epidemiology?

Because epidemiology focuses on disease occurrence, populations are commonly defined in relation to a medical facility such as a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital. The service population of a medical facility (also called catchment population) consists of the people who use the facility’s services.

What is the difference between point prevalence and period prevalence?

Definition of prevalence Point prevalence refers to the prevalence measured at a particular point in time. It is the proportion of persons with a particular disease or attribute on a particular date. Period prevalence refers to prevalence measured over an interval of time.

What is the midpoint?

In geometry, the midpoint is the middle point of a line segment. It is equidistant from both endpoints, and it is the centroid both of the segment and of the endpoints. It bisects the segment.

How does midpoint work?

The Midpoint Formula does the same thing. If one X-value is at 2 and the other X-value is at 8, to find the X-value halfway between them, you add 2+8 and divide by 2 = 5. Your would repeat the process for the Y-values to find the Y-coordinate of the midpoint.