Can you get COMSOL for free?

COMSOL® Client for LiveLink™ for MATLAB® is a free tool available for macOS and Linux®.

What is COMSOL used for?

Engineers and scientists use the COMSOL Multiphysics® software to simulate designs, devices, and processes in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. COMSOL Multiphysics® is a simulation platform that provides fully coupled multiphysics and single-physics modeling capabilities.

Which is better ANSYS vs COMSOL?

Both provide the ability to accurately solve multiphysics phenomena, however, the programme used depends on the aim. If you want to use generic physics models and save time, I recommend ANSYS, and if you want the best access to the physics and equations regardless of time, I recommend COMSOL.

What programming language does COMSOL use?

Java® programming language
The Java® programming language is used to write COMSOL methods, which means that all Java® syntax and Java® libraries can be used. Additionally, the Application Builder has its own built-in library of methods for building applications and modifying the model object.

Is COMSOL and ANSYS are same?

Both software are good for modeling engineering applications. ANSYS fluent is mostly useful for volumetric simulations. COMSOL can also do the same simulations but with different methodologies.

How can I write expression in Comsol?

Click the Insert Expression button ( ) at the bottom of the section or press Ctrl+Space to insert a predefined expression or variable into the selected cell in the Value column.

How do I use Comsol Multiphysics?

You will always follow the same workflow when using COMSOL Multiphysics:

  1. Set up the model environment.
  2. Create geometrical objects.
  3. Specify material properties.
  4. Define physics boundary conditions.
  5. Create the mesh.
  6. Run the simulation.
  7. Postprocess the results.