What is cultivation area?
What is cultivation area?
Area under cultivation means the area that corresponds to the total sown area, but after the harvest it excludes ruined areas (e.g. due to natural disasters). If the same land parcel is used twice in the same year, the area of this parcel can be counted twice.
What is the meaning for cultivated land?
Definitions of cultivated land. arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops. synonyms: farmland, ploughland, plowland, tillage, tilled land, tilth. types: fallow. cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons.
What does cultivated mean in geography?
to till and prepare (land or soil) for the growth of crops. to plant, tend, harvest, or improve (plants) by labour and skill.
What is the meaning of cultivated field?
Cultivated field means any open space or pasture larger than five acres in which a plant or tree nursery is located or an agricultural crop, including cotton, corn, grain, grapes, beets, peanuts, and rice, but not including grass grown for hay, is grown on a continuing basis.
What is another word for cultivated land?
In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cultivated land, like: tilled land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilth and tillage.
What is land under cultivation called?
Land under cultivation is called arable land. Arable land can be ploughed and used to grow crops.
What is the another word of cultivated land?
grower, laborer, peasant, producer, rancher, agriculturalist, agronomist, breeder, clodhopper, cob, cropper, feeder, gardener, gleaner, harvester, homesteader, horticulturist, planter, plower, sharecropper.
What is another word for cultivable land?
What does cultivate mean definition?
1 : to prepare land for the raising of crops cultivate a field. 2 : to raise or assist the growth of crops by tilling or by labor and care cultivate corn. 3 : to improve or develop by careful attention, training, or study : devote time and thought to He’s trying to cultivate a better attitude.
What is cultivation short answer?
Cultivation is the act of caring for or raising plants. Your desire to grow your own fruits and vegetables in the backyard means you’ll be engaged in some heavy cultivation. The word cultivation is most often used to talk about the ways that farmers take care of crops.
What does cultivated mean in farming?
cultivation, in agriculture and horticulture, the loosening and breaking up (tilling) of the soil or, more generally, the raising of crops.
What does cultivation mean in farming?
It involves preparing for its growth and tending to it as it grows. Cultivation of crops often first involves tilling (or plowing) the land. (A machine that does this is called a cultivator). It also involves planting seeds and then watering them and making sure they are growing properly.