How do I use OBB files?

3) Then a window will appear in which you need to click “Install”. 4) Click on the .ZIP (OBB) archive of the game, then you will get a list where you have to select “Extract…”. Navigate to the very beginning of the path, and find the “Android” folder, and then click on it. Next, obb.

How do I open a .OBB file?

You need a suitable software like Android Studio from Google to open an OBB file. Without proper software you will receive a Windows message “How do you want to open this file?” or “Windows cannot open this file” or a similar Mac/iPhone/Android alert.

Where is my OBB file?

Go to playstore and install Files by Google. Then in settings go to apps section and select Files by Google. Change setting to allow changing system settings. Now you can see the content of the obb folder on the internal storage under /Android in the app Files by Google.

Can you delete OBB files?

Go to the device/data/media/obb, here u will see a copy of obb data files exactly like your internal storage. Just delete it and you are good to go.

What is OBB and APK?

An OBB file is an expansion file used by some Android apps distributed using the Google Play online store. It contains data that is not stored in the application’s main package (. APK file), such as graphics, media files, and other large program assets. OBB files are often stored in a device’s shared storage folder.

How do I install OBB games?

In order to do that, simply follow the steps below: Place the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard). Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file. Click ‘install’

What is OBB in Android?

An . obb file is an expansion file used by some Android apps distributed using the Google Play store. It contains data not stored in the application’s main package (. APK file), such as graphics, media files, and other large program assets. For example, a game such as Free Fire has a 20 MB .

Where do I put OBB file in PUBG?

After installation, users will have to copy and paste the OBB file. Here is the route for it: Internal Storage > Android > OBB. Paste the copied file in the OBB folder. Try to launch the game by tapping its icon.

How do I download OBB games?

Just navigate to the android->obb location and copy the file to your app folder and it will work. The app folder will be the package name of the application. You can go to OBB folder of the particular app and paste it there so the app will fetch automatically and install it.

What is obb in Android?

Why I can’t delete my OBB file?

The best and easiest way to delete obb files is that go to file manager and go to either internal or external storage and then go to android and obb. Inside it delete the obb files that you want to delete releated to application….To search for the folder:

  • Go to file manager.
  • Go to Android.
  • Voila! Here’s ur obb folder.

How do I download OBB and APK?

In order to do that, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Place the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard).
  2. Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file.
  3. Click ‘install’
  4. Wait for the APK to install.
  5. Do not run the application yet.