What does CS WSP mean?

Continuous Sheathed Structural Fiber Board Panels
Continuous Sheathed Structural Fiber Board Panels (CS-WSP)

What is a WSP panel?

Exterior (WSP) Extend sheathing to foundation sill plate. Exterior braced wall lines shall have a braced wall panel located at each end of the wall line.

What is the minimum required length for a braced wall panel using the WSP method on a 8 foot wall height?

For Methods DWB, WSP, SFB, PBS, PCP and HPS, each braced wall panel shall be at least 48 inches (1219 mm) in length, covering a minimum of three …

Do interior walls need bracing?

All buildings are required to have some form of lateral bracing. Exterior and interior wall coverings are usually used with conventional light-frame construction. Braced Wall Panel: All exterior walls shall be braced in accordance with the International Residential Code Section 602.10.

What is continuous sheathing?

Continuous sheathing methods require structural panel sheathing to be used on all sheathable surfaces on one side of a braced wall line including areas above and below openings and gable end walls. Braced wall panels shall be constructed in accordance with one of the methods listed in Table R602.

What are braced wall panels?

Wall bracing is used to protect life by minimizing structural damage to a building in freak storms and earthquakes. All buildings are required to have some form of lateral bracing. Exterior and interior wall coverings are usually used with conventional light-frame construction.

Do exterior walls need sheathing?

Wood frame exterior walls must be fully sheathed, including areas above or below wall openings, with minimum 7/16-in. wood structural panels. Interior shear walls must be fully sheathed including areas above or below wall openings with minimum 7/16-in. wood structural panels on both wall faces.

What is the minimum width required for sheet bracing for Type A or B bracing units?

Sheet bracing walls shall be a minimum of 900 mm wide to satisfy the requirements of their nominated ratings (Claus 8.3. 6.3 & 8.3. 6.5).