What are the 2 zodiac signs for May?
What are the 2 zodiac signs for May?
May babies born between May 1st and 21st fall under Taurus’ sign (aka the bull). Qualities associated with Taurus include determination, patience, and good taste. May babies born after the 21st will be Geminis (symbolized by the twins). Gemini is the most versatile member of the zodiac.
Is May Taurus or Gemini?
Signs of the Zodiac
Constellation | English Name | Dates |
Taurus | The Bull | Apr. 20–May 20 |
Gemini | The Twins | May 21–June 21 |
Cancer | The Crab | June 22–July 22 |
Leo | The Lion | July 23–Aug. 22 |
Is 21 May Taurus or Gemini?
Gemini (astrology)
Gemini | |
Zodiac symbol | Twins |
Duration (tropical, western) | May 21 – June 21 (2022, UT1) |
Constellation | Gemini |
Zodiac element | Air |
Is May 29 a Taurus or Gemini?
Geminis born May 29 possess a star quality that is unrivaled by others. Their ability to sway the opinions of others is nothing short of miraculous. They possess charm, intelligence, and wit.
Is May 21 a Gemini?
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac (May 21 to June 20), and it’s symbolized by the twins. As a mutable air sign ruled by the planet Mercury, Gemini (called Mithuna in Vedic astrology) is chatty, curious, and cerebral.
Is May 21 More Taurus or Gemini?
Yet a quick Google search to confirm that our status as zodiac soul sisters revealed to me that her birthday is May 20th, so though she’s indeed a Taurus (which rules Aril 20 through May 21), she’s born on the Taurus Gemini cusp, the period spanning the end of Taurus and beginning of Gemini season.
Is May 27 a Taurus or Gemini?
Geminis born May 27 are masters at reinventing themselves. This is their way of remaining interesting to themselves and others. They never quite let anyone see their true self, not even those individuals who are closest to them.