What is D&C used for?

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus. Health care providers perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions — such as heavy bleeding — or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion.

What is DNC miscarriage?

What is a D&C Procedure? A D&C, also known as dilation and curettage, is a surgical procedure often performed after a first-trimester miscarriage. In a D&C, dilation refers to opening the cervix; curettage refers to removing the contents of the uterus.

What do you mean by medical termination of pregnancy?

Medical abortion is a procedure that uses medication to end a pregnancy. A medical abortion doesn’t require surgery or anesthesia and can be started either in a medical office or at home with follow-up visits to your doctor. It’s safer and most effective during the first trimester of pregnancy.

What is AD and E?

D&E is a safe and common method of second-trimester abortion. Dilation and evacuation is a surgical abortion procedure that takes place after the first trimester of pregnancy. 1. Similar to a first-trimester surgical procedure, the patient’s cervix is dilated and suction is used to remove the fetus. 2.

How is AD and C performed?

A dilation and curettage procedure, also called a D&C, is a surgical procedure in which the cervix (lower, narrow part of the uterus) is dilated (expanded) so that the uterine lining (endometrium) can be scraped with a curette (spoon-shaped instrument) to remove abnormal tissues.

What’s the difference between D&C and D&E?

A D&E is done during the second trimester and is pretty similar to a D&C in that it uses a vacuum aspiration, but requires more surgical instruments to remove the tissue (like forceps). Because it’s done later on in a pregnancy, it can take a little longer.

Is D&C necessary after miscarriage?

Half of women who have a miscarriage do not require a D&C procedure. A D&C is performed to confirm that a miscarriage is complete, though a completed miscarriage can also be verified by an ultrasound. A miscarriage is complete when the uterus has emptied out the embryo or the products of conception.

What is the difference between abortion and MTP?

Medical termination of pregnancy is a lengthy process, compared to surgical abortion. It depends from person to person and on the age of pregnancy that what time it will be needed for the recovery of the patient. The patient can experience heavy bleeding for a week, depending on the number of weeks of the pregnancy.

How is D&E done?

Dilation and evacuation (D&E) is done in the second 12 weeks (second trimester) of pregnancy. It usually includes a combination of vacuum aspiration and the use of surgical tools (such as forceps). An ultrasound is done before a D&E to find out the size of the uterus and the number of weeks of the pregnancy.
