What is the meaning of Carabinieri in English?

the Italian national police force
: a member of the Italian national police force.

What does the Italian word Corpo mean?

[ˈkɔrpo ] (gen also) (Chemistry) (figurative) body. (cadavere) corpse ⧫ (dead) body.

What does UMO mean in Italian?

Word forms: uomo, plural uomini. masculine noun. (gen) man. (specie umana) l’uomo mankind ⧫ humanity.

What is the difference between Carabinieri and police in Italy?

Polizia di Stato It is a civilian police force, while the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza are military. While its internal organization and mindset are somewhat military, its personnel is composed of civilians.

What is an Italian police called?

Polizia di Stato
Policing overview: The main policing entities are the National Police (Polizia di Stato), the Carabinieri (Arma dei Carabinieri), the Financial Crime Investigation Unit (Guardia di Finanza) and the Penitentiary Police Corps (Polizia Penitenziaria).

What is the difference between Polizia and Carabinieri?

What is a cabeca?

Noun. cabeça f (plural cabeças) (anatomy) head (part of the body) head (topmost, foremost, or leading part)

How do you say body parts in Italian?

Body Parts In Italian

  1. the body — il corpo.
  2. the part of the body — la parte del corpo.
  3. the foot — il piede.
  4. the hand — la mano.
  5. the arm — il braccio.
  6. the head — la testa.
  7. the finger — il dito.
  8. the eyes — gli occhi.

What do Italian guys call their girlfriends?

There are two main ways to say “girlfriend” and “boyfriend” in Italian: ragazzo/a or fidanzato/a. The former is used by young couples, usually when they are dating, while the latter is for serious relationships and also means fiance.

What does bona Natalia mean in Italian?

“Merry Christmas” in Italian is Buon Natale. Buon Natale is the most direct way of saying Merry Christmas in Italian, but there are other ways to wish someone happy holidays. Here are some examples: Buone feste means Happy Holidays (it means both “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”)