What is plural for vegetables?

vegetable. Plural. vegetables. The plural form of vegetable; more than one (kind of) vegetable.

What is the plural of fruit?

plural. fruit or fruits. countable/uncountable a type of food that grows on trees or plants. It tastes sweet and contains seeds or a stone. Apples and oranges are fruit.

Is it correct to say fruits and vegetables?

I’m pretty sure that both are correct….English translation: fruits and vegetables / fruit and vegetables.

English term or phrase: fruits and vegetables or fruit and vegetables
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What is the singular and plural of vegetable?

vegetable ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

singular vegetable
plural vegetables

Can we say vegetables?

No. vegetable, when used as a noun, is not used as a mass noun. We do not say “I love vegetable” even though we do say “I love fruit”.

What type of noun is fruit?

countable noun
Fruit is used as a countable noun when talking about particular types of fruit: They grow mainly citrus fruits.

What is a group of fruit called?

Pomes, drupes, berries, melons and citrus fruits are all types or groups of fruits. All pomes hold their seeds in a little paper-like core. Apples and pears are both pomes.

Why do we say fruits and vegetables?

– the word “fruit” is (usually) non-count, whereas “vegetables” is a plural count form. What this means is that for many (particularly, older and/or British) speakers, explicitly pluralising the word in contexts such as “I’m a strict vegetarian – I only eat fruits and vegetables” sounds a bit “odd”.

Why is fruit uncountable and vegetables countable?

Fruit and vegetables are able to be counted – and they have a plural form, so they are countable nouns. Was this answer helpful?

Are vegetables singular?

Single is vegetable. Absolutely it is plural. Singular to that is, vegetable. vegetable – only one quantity of any variety of vegetable.