What are the classes of chordates?

The phylum chordata (animals with backbones) is divided into five common classes: fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. Show examples of these groups and explain the characteristics that make one different from another.

What are the 7 classes of the phylum Chordata?

Terms in this set (7)

  • agnatha. jawless fish: lamprey and hagfish.
  • chondrichthyes. cartilage fish: sharks, skates, rays.
  • osteichthyes. bony fish: yellow perch.
  • amphibia. salamanders, toads, frogs.
  • reptilia. turtles, crocodiles/alligators, lizards, snakes.
  • aves. birds.
  • mammalia. mammals.

What are the 6 classes of chordates?

They are:

  • Cyclostomata.
  • Chondrichthyes.
  • Osteichthyes.
  • Amphibia.
  • Reptilia.
  • Aves.
  • Mammalia.

What are chordates Class 9?

Chordata is a phylum of triploblastic bilaterally symmetrical coelomate animals. Diagnostic Characteristics : (i) Notochord (Gk. noton-back, chorde-cord) : It is a long rod-like structure that develops between dorsal nervous system and gut.

What are chordates 11?

Animals belonging to phylum Chordata are fundamentally characterized by the presence of a notochord, a dorsalhollow nerve cord and paired pharyngeal gill slits. These are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, and coelomate with organ-system level of organization.

How many classes are in a phylum?

The one phylum of vertebrates (animals with a backbone) is further classified into five different classes—mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. Sounds complicated—not really!

How many classes are there in phylum?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The following is a list of the classes in each phylum of the kingdom Animalia. There are 107 classes of animals in 33 phyla in this list. However, different sources give different numbers of classes and phyla.

How are animals classified class 8?

They place them in a hierarchy of groupings, beginning with the kingdom animalia and proceeding through phyla, classes, orders, families, genera and species.

What are the 7 kingdoms of classification?

7 Kingdom Classification

  • Archaebacteria.
  • Eubacteria.
  • Protista.
  • Chromista.
  • Fungi.
  • Plantae.
  • Animalia.