What are the puppets called in wayang kulit?

There are important differences between the three islands where wayang kulit is played (due to local religious canon). In Java (where Islam is predominant), the puppets (named ringgit) are elongated, the play lasts all night and the lamp (named blencong) is, nowadays, almost always electric.

What does wayang mean in Indonesia?

The term wayang is the Javanese word for ‘shadow’ or ‘imagination’. The word’s equivalent in Indonesian is bayang. In modern daily Javanese and Indonesian vocabulary, wayang can refer to the puppet itself or the whole puppet theatre performance.

What are the 5 significant characteristics of wayang kulit?

Wayang kulit combines deep spiritual meaning, entertaining storytelling, extraordinary musicality (both in the gamelan and vocals), deep philosophical messages, current political commentary, and bawdy humor. It is one of the most complete art forms, with everything in the hands of the dhalang.

What are the four types of Indonesian wayang?

There are many types of wayang in Indonesia: Wayang Kulit (wayang that is made of leather), Wayang Wong (wayang performance that is played by actors, instead of puppets), Wayang Gedog (similar to Wayang Wong, but the actors wear a mask), Wayang Golek (wayang that is made of wooden), Wayang Klitik (a small wayang that …

Who are the characters in wayang kulit?

A complete shadow theatre has between 160 and 200 puppets categorised into deities, warriors, ogres, hermits, monkeys, soldiers, princesses, weapons, animals and mountains. Most Malay shadow play characters only have one articulating limb, while a majority of Javanese and Balinese puppets have both arms articulated.

What are the instruments used in wayang kulit?

3 The musical instruments for the Wayang Kulit consist of the basic hanging gongs, gendang ibu and gendang anak (as in Makyung) with the additional gedombak, serunai, gedok, kesi and kercing (See Figure 1). These basic instruments are doubled or tripled to give a larger effect in performance. …

What are the 2 forms of puppet in Indonesia?

In fact, there are many different styles of puppetry from Indonesia. The two most popular are Wayang Kulit (shadow puppets) and Wayang Golek (rod puppets)

What are the 3 elements of wayang kulit?

Elements of a Performance the puppeteer, dhalang. a mallet used by the dhalang to knock on the puppet box, cempala. metal plates that the dhalang hits with his foot, kepyak. a traditional Indonesian orchestra, gamelan.

How many types of wayang puppets are there?

While these carefully handcrafted puppets vary in size, shape and style, two principal types prevail: the three-dimensional wooden puppet (wayang klitik or golèk) and the flat leather shadow puppet (wayang kulit) projected in front of a screen lit from behind.

What is the shadow artist called?

Shadowgraphy or ombromanie is the art of performing a story or show using images made by hand shadows. It can be called “cinema in silhouette”. Performers are titled as a shadowgraphist or shadowgrapher.

What is the musical instruments ensemble that accompanies the wayang kulit performance?

Gamelan is an instrumental ensemble including metallophones, xylophones, drums gongs, bamboo flutes, and plucked strings. In Indonesia, gamelan usually accompanies dance wayang puppet performances, such as the 3.14 Company’s 2001 Wayang Tempest production, rituals, or ceremonies.