What is the plant that looks like a ball?

The name physocarpa comes from the Greek physa meaning bladder and karpos, fruit, referring to the inflated, bladder-like fruits. It has a plethora of common names including balloon plant, balloon cotton-bush, balloon milkweed, bishop’s balls, elephant balls, hairy balls, monkey balls, swan plant, and many others.

How do you take care of a Chinese snowball bush?

Light: Full sun to part shade. Give protection from afternoon sun in the Lower and Coastal South. Soil: Well-drained, slightly acid soil is best, but the shrub also tolerates alkaline conditions. Prune: Soon after flowering to remove dead wood and shape.

Should I cut back my snowball bush?

The Snowball Viburnum is a deciduous shrub, so it sheds its leaves in the fall and blooms form on old wood. If you’re training your Snowball Viburnum Shrub to provide a lot of blooms, prune it back in spring after it has begun blooming to encourage more growth.

What plant looks like snowballs?

Chinese snowball bush: Notably, Chinese snowball viburnum plants—also known as Viburnum macrocephalum—allow their flowers to open up more widely. These plants’ blooms transition from clumped-up “snowballs” to a flatter and more traditional look as they mature.

What plant has a ball like flower?

ABOUT ALLIUMS Their purple, pink or white blooms can be ball-shaped, star-shaped or pendulous. And some resemble exploding fireworks. Ornamental onion bulbs must be planted in the fall (at the same time as daffodils and tulips.)

What plant has a ball of flowers?

Viburnums — Giant Round Flowers Blooming in April, a mature plant can reach 12 to 20 feet tall, covering itself with masses of pure white floral ‘snowballs. ‘ The flower clusters are 6 to 8 inches across. The Japanese snowball bush, Viburnum plicatum, produces smaller, tennis-ball-sized balls of blossoms in May.

Do snowball bushes bloom all summer?

Snowball bushes growing in colder climates are probably hydrangeas. The hydrangeas have a much longer bloom period than the viburnums, with blossoms remaining on the shrub for as long as two months. Hydrangeas bloom in spring and may rebloom in fall, while viburnums bloom in summer.

How big does a Chinese snowball get?

Chinese snowball viburnum is a flowering shrub in the Viburnaceae family and it is native to mainland China. It grows up to 15 feet tall and 12 feet wide with a rounded vase-shaped form.

Do snowball bushes lose their leaves?

Viburnum, also known as Snowball, is a diverse family of shrubs. There are varieties that remain green in winter, semi-evergreens and varieties that lose all their leaves. To compensate for that leaf loss, the bare branches bear sprays of pale pink flowers from November to March.

How long do snowball bushes bloom?

A snowball viburnum bush won’t tolerate a climate colder than U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 6. Snowball bushes growing in colder climates are probably hydrangeas. The hydrangeas have a much longer bloom period than the viburnums, with blossoms remaining on the shrub for as long as two months.

What does Viburnum look like?

Viburnums have two major types of flower heads: flat-topped clusters of flowers that resemble lacecap hydrangeas, and snowball types, with globe- or dome-shape flower clusters. Viburnum flowers range from creamy white to pink. The buds, often shaped like small nuts, are usually attractive as well.

What is a snowball flower?

Snowball bush is a common name for several ornamental plants which produce large clusters of white flowers and may refer to: Species of Hydrangea, which tend to flower in the summer: Hydrangea arborescens. Hydrangea paniculata.