What is FortiGuard antispam service?

FortiGuard Antispam Service FortiGuard Antispam provides a comprehensive and multi-layered approach to detect and filter spam processed by organizations. Dual-pass detection technology can dramatically reduce spam volume at the perimeter, giving you unmatched control of email attacks and infections.

What is antispam protection?

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway filters messages passing through the mail server to remove unsolicited mail (spam). Messages are scanned for spam by the Anti-Spam engine. Anti-Spam engine scans each message for signs of spam.

How do I enable email filters in FortiGate?

On the FortiGate, go to Security Profiles > Email Filter. Edit an existing profile, or create a new one. Enable Enable Spam Detection and Filtering, if not already enabled. Enable File Filter, if not already enabled, then click Create New in the filter table.

Which of the following spam filtering methods are supported on the FortiGate unit?

IMAPS and POP3S spam filtering are available on FortiGates that support SSL content scanning and inspection.

How do I whitelist an email address in Fortigate?

To allow email by sender, select White List. In the field to the left of the Add button, type the email address, domain name, or IP address of the sender. For information on valid formats, see Black and white list address formats. Select Add.

What is security rating in Fortigate?

The Security Rating page is separated into three major scorecards: Security Posture, Fabric Coverage, and Optimization, which provide an executive summary of the three largest areas of security focus in the Security Fabric. The scorecards show an overall letter grade and breakdown of the performance in sub-categories.

Which spam filter is best?

The 9 Best Spam Filters in the Market

  • 1) SpamTitan (TitanHQ) SpamTitan is suitable for all types of businesses.
  • 2) ZEROSPAM.
  • 3) Spambrella.
  • 4) MailChannels.
  • 5) Xeams.
  • 6) Topsec Email Security.
  • 7) Symantec Email Security.
  • 8) MailWasher.

How do I stop Exchange Online spam?

Blocking email spam using spam filter block lists

  1. In the Exchange Admin Centre (EAC), navigate to Protection > Spam filter.
  2. On the general page, do one of the following: Double-click the default policy in order to edit this company-wide policy.
  3. For custom policies only, specify a name for this policy.

What is the central purpose of FortiGuard labs?

Its mission is to provide customers with the industry’s best threat intelligence platform to protect them from malicious cyberattacks.