Where is Infraclavicular fossa located?

The Infraclavicular fossa is an indentation, or fossa, immediately below the clavicle, above the third rib and between the deltoid muscle laterally and medioclavicular line medially.

What is the space above the clavicle called?

The Supraclavicular fossa is an indentation (fossa) immediately above the clavicle.

What lies in the Infraclavicular fossa?

The boundaries of the infraclavicular fossa are the pectoralis minor and major muscles anteriorly, ribs medially, clavicle and coracoid process superiorly and humerus laterally. Posterior to the brachial plexus in this region is the scapula.

What are the boundaries of the temporal fossa?

The temporal fossa is bounded by a few anatomical landmarks, anteriorly the frontal process of the zygomatic bone, superiorly and posteriorly the temporal lines, and inferiorly the zygomatic arch.

What is in the supraclavicular fossa?

The supraclavicular fossa (SCF) is defined as the concavity found just over the clavicle, and it is a subdivision of the posterior triangle of the neck. The sternocleidomastoid muscle and the omohyoid muscles constitute the anterior and superomedial borders, respectively.

What is Infraclavicular fossa describe its position and the structure that bind it?

[ ĭn′frə-klə-vĭk′yə-lər ] n. A triangular depression bounded by the clavicle and the adjacent borders of the deltoid and greater pectoral muscles. infraclavicular triangle.

What is the Supramastoid crest?

The supramastoid crest is a strongly marked prolongation of the upper border or the posterior root of the zygomatic process; it runs backward above the external acoustic meatus, and is continuous with the temporal line.

What are the four regions of the temporal bone?

the squamous region, which is the largest. the mastoid region. the petrous region. the tympanic region.

Where is supraclavicular fossa?

upper neck
The supraclavicular fossa is an anatomically complex region of the upper neck, the contents of which lend themselves to diverse differential diagnosis for pathology within the region. The purpose of this text is to describe the anatomy and frequently encountered pathologies of the supraclavicular fossa.

What are the 4 subdivisions of anterior Triangle?

The anterior triangle is further subdivided into the:

  • Muscular (omotracheal/infrahyoid) triangle.
  • Carotid triangle.
  • Submandibular triangle.
  • Submental triangle.