Can alumni use NTU library?

Library Services for all NTU Alumni The Library provides NTU alumni access to the following e-resources for personal and non-commercial use. You can access these e-resources directly with your NTU Alumni Network Account. If you have forgotten or have not applied for the account, please click here to register.

Is NTU alumni free?

All NTU/NIE alumni (students who graduated with a diploma/degree from any of the undergraduate/postgraduate programmes offered by NTU/NIE) will each receive S$1,600 course credits, which they may utilise to co-pay up to 50% of the nett fee payable for courses offered by NTU’s Continuing Education and Training (NTU-CET) …

Can I use nottingham trent Library?

Visiting users are permitted access to NTU Library facilities only during full service hours, please contact the Library for more information. You are required to treat library staff, other users, and library facilities with respect and courtesy, and to comply with requests or instructions from staff.

How do I log into NTU library?

So when you go through and click, Reaxys will have a popup asking you to sign in or register. Just close the box. Then on the top right of the page there is a Sign In button. You can click on that since it contains “”.

Does NTU provide Microsoft Office?

Make sure that the computers on which Office 365 is being installed meet the supported system requirements. Office 365 can be installed only on the following operating systems: Windows 7. Windows 8….Student Office 365 – Installing Office For Free.

Installing on a PC Installing on a Mac
Enter your NTU password and select Sign In
Select Done You are now all set

Does NTU email expire?

For Class of 2017’s and the preceding Classes’ graduates, you will be given two accounts: (1) Office365 email; (2) NTU ASSOC network account, which you can keep for life.

How do I find books in NTU library?

You can search across NTU Library collection for books, audio-visuals, journal articles, ntu publications and others. Begin your search with OneSearch on the Library homepage or directly at OneSearch page. Use OneSearch if you are: looking for specific book , e-book or article.

How many libraries does NTU have?

There are 7 libraries in NTU.

What is NTU LibBookmark?

NTU LibBookmark is a simple bookmark for your mobile/desktop browser to enable easy access to full text e-resources subscribed by NTU Library. Follow the steps found at to install NTU LibBookmark (Full Text @NTU Library) on your preferred web browser.

How do I download EndNote NTU?

Here are the steps to download: Sign in with your NTU credentials and click on the Digital Version(s) link. Click on the Download link found at the bottom of the page. Save the EndNote. zip folder which contains the files EndNote.

How do I download Microsoft Office from NTU?

Student Office 365 – Installing Office For Free

  1. To get started log into your email through NOW.
  2. You will then be presented with the following screen.
  3. Click Install Office and select Office 365 apps.
  4. This will automatically download the install file onto your device.