What are the basics of Adobe Illustrator?

Essential techniques for beginners

  • Build your artwork using a variety of shapes.
  • Have fun combining shapes.
  • Draw straight lines and smooth curves.
  • Create beautifully formatted text for any design project.
  • Bring your artwork to life.
  • Share your work.

How do I practice Illustrator?

These top 10 Adobe Illustrator tips and tricks will help you get the most out of your time with Illustrator, and help you make great art.

  1. Don’t Be Shy; Use The Pen Tool.
  2. Use Color CC.
  3. Get To Grips With Bezier.
  4. Try Using Clipping Masks.
  5. Use Online Tools.
  6. Make Use Of Pathfinder.
  7. Get Familiar With The Strokes Panel.

What can you do with Illustrator CC?

Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard design app that lets you capture your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Work across desktop and mobile devices and quickly create beautiful designs that can go anywhere—print, web and apps, video and animations, and more.

Is it hard to learn Illustrator?

The time it takes to learn Adobe Illustrator can vary depending on your experience, the basic skills that you need to learn, your familiarity with similar systems, the amount of time you want to prepare, and the duration of any classes that you choose to take. It is highly personal.

Is it easy to learn Illustrator?

Learning Illustrator is very easy as any one can learn its tools and how they work. But being conversant in Illustrator is completely different thing for this you have to be patient and keep on doing practice. Because only by doing practice you’ll be able to master it and create beautiful arts.

Is it easy to use Illustrator?

Is Learning Adobe Illustrator Easy? Yes, it’s easy to start and you can definitely learn it on your own. With passion and dedication, learning Illustrator is not as difficult as you think. You’d be surprised how much help you’d get during your learning process.

Which is better Photoshop or Illustrator?

Illustrator is best for clean, graphical illustrations while Photoshop is better for photo based illustrations. Photo by VFS Digital Design. While Illustrator may seem like the obvious choice here, it all depends on the type of illustration.