What is a synonym for take away?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take away, like: detract, remove, carry off, take from, withdraw, add, take, take out, deduct, carry away and null.

What is the synonym of grove?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for grove. hedge, stand, woodlot.

What is another name for Conifer?

What is another word for conifer?

evergreen fir
pine pine tree
cedar wood
douglas alpine
fir tree

What is a small gathering of trees called?

A grove is a small group of trees with minimal or no undergrowth, such as a sequoia grove, or a small orchard planted for the cultivation of fruits or nuts. Other words for groups of trees include woodland, woodlot, thicket, or stand.

What is a grove of trees called?

Definition of copse : a thicket, grove, or growth of small trees. — called also coppice.

What is a grove of trees?

Definition of grove 1 : a small wood without underbrush a picnic grove. 2 : a planting of fruit or nut trees.

What are synonyms coniferous forest?

synonyms for conifer

  • cedar.
  • pine.
  • douglas.
  • wood.
  • alpine.

What is the meaning of coniferous?

: any of a group of mostly evergreen trees and shrubs (as pines) that typically produce cones and have leaves resembling needles or scales in shape. Other Words from conifer. coniferous \ kō-​ˈni-​fə-​rəs , kə-​ \ adjective.

What is called a collection of trees?

grove. noun. a group of trees of a particular type, especially trees arranged in lines.

What is a clearing in a forest called?

In the most general sense, a glade or clearing is an open area within a forest.

What is a collection of trees called?

The collective noun for a large area of trees is a forestof trees. Other collective nouns for trees are:An “orchard” is a large area of fruit or nut bearing trees. A “wood” is a slightly smaller. A group of Bullfinches is called a Bellowing.

What is a large area of trees called?

forest. / (ˈfɒrɪst) / noun. a large wooded area having a thick growth of trees and plants.